Friday, March 29, 2013

"The Golden Rule is that there are no golden rules." (Shaw)

.....I've been reading articles in the newspapers lately about the Second Amendment.  As for me, I see no need for anyone to have a gun that spouts as many slugs as you like in just a few seconds.  Why can't the NRA just settle for the old fashioned one gun with only six bullets--like the cowboys used to wear on their belt where everyone could see it--even criminals.  Even 007 carries one--tho' it is hidden.  I don't believe the founding fathers ever dreamed of the kind of weapons available to our military.  Even in WWII, I fired a gun filled with 50caliber bullets on a lengthy magazine containing hundreds of bullets which I slung over my shoulder. 
.....Right now I'm more concerned with my First Amendment rights to free speech.  I have the right to write whatever comes to mind, even if it concerns President Obama.  I don't mean that President Obama would ever be concerned about what I write on this blog.  My meaning is that someone might object or disagree with what I write about Obama--or anyone else, like Beyoncé for example. So what?  My writing is protected by the First Amendment.  You can tell that the Founding Fathers ( and possibly Mothers) were immediately concerned about saying whatever they wanted to say and whenever they wanted to say it.  And that is the reason for the very first amendment to the Constitution.  Not that I have anything to say at the moment.  But it's Passover and I could say something provocative about it, and I'll see if anyone disagrees and wishes my protected blog be banned.
.....First of all, there are several questionable events attributed to Passover.  I don't think the Jewish people at the time had access to gefilte fish or chopped liver.  Going back in time, I don't believe Moses was found floating in the Nile while tucked in a basket.  I don't believe that the Angel of Death "passed over" the Jewish houses and landed on Egyptian houses  (altho' it seems that that Angel got lost and has been active over Huntington Lakes lately).  And as for Manischevitz matzos and wine--forget about it.

1 comment:

  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMarch 30, 2013 at 12:14 AM

    Baron, the question of guns is very fraught, whichever way you look at it. In order for the population to benefit from gun control, people will have to accept that a few of them will be out of luck and be unable to save themselves from disaster because they don't have a gun. The American people, for whatever reason, are not prepared to make this sacrifice for the common good, or not yet at any rate. It's a hearts and minds thing. Just keep working on it, it's all you can do.
    As for Passover, my mum once told me a story about a Seder night at the commencement of which one guest said - it loses a bit in translation, sorry about that - "We all know that Pharaoh was a dog ("var a hint") in Egypt. Please can we now just get on with eating the food." Cuzzin Ruth
