Monday, April 20, 2015

"Think much, speak little, and write less" (Proverb)

.....In case anyone is interested, this font is courier. I'm getting bored with the same fonts all the time. April appears to be the month for anniversaries. I don't mean the marriage kind, although
April is a good month in which to marry. However, for several events you needn't send a card. April is tax month; if you don't get your tax report into the IRS by yesterday, I believe; you are subject to three lashes one for each month leading up to April. Then April 19th marks the bombing of the Oklahoma building killing 168 people. On April 19, 1775 the American Revolution began with the battles of Lexington and Concord. In April 19,1897 the first Boston Marathon was run from Ashland, Mass. to Boston. In April 19,1951 Gen.Douglas Macarthur was relieved of his Far East command by President Truman. He bid farewell to Congress by quoting from an old ballad, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
.....As a matter of interest William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1654 and died on April 23, 1616. I believe he arranged it for that day; you might say it rhymes. I wasn't going to do it, but one of my ***** students incited my energy. I could go up to 100, but I am not inclined: 

.....21. Henderson the Rain King; (Saul Bellow), 22.Appointment in Samara;(John O'Hara), 23.U.S.A (John Dos Passos),24.Winesburg,Ohio;(Sherwood Anderson), 25.A Passage to India;(E.M.Forster), 26.The Wings of the Dove;(Henry James), 27.The Ambassadors;(Henry James), 28.Tender is the  Night;(F.Scott Fitzgerald),29.The Studs Lonigan Trilogy;(James T. Farrell,30.Memoirs of a Tail Gunner;(N.Ralph Ross)

.....And now, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, and cuzzins, I think I'll go and spend a little time (very little) on the musical I propose to write without the qualified skill. Uh O! the VA just called about my lab report and said my thyroid is elevated. Don't know if that's good or bad.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Retirement is the ugliest word in the language. (Hemingway)

.....Well, I began my research for "GenerationsAmerica" trying to find a song that our militia sang during the Revolutionary War.  I had labeled this generation as "Generation I".  Of course the generations didn't have names back then.  I found the titles to many a song, but no music to them that would allow anyone to sing.  So, instead I wrote a short skit of our famous men attempting to write the Preamble to the Constitution.  (I could not find a skit of an event back then.) I think my skit came out as comedy--which I wanted to begin my musical.  I found plenty of battles on UTube, but nothing I cared to use.

.....At the moment, I don't know if the musical I plan to write will ever climb onto the stage.  I am aware that the Board of Directors has an idea of what it is, I hope to accomplish, but I told them that I do not know how long it will take me to finish it.  I'm old enough now not to have the imagination I had a long time ago.  At the same time, I want to write a sci-fi novel.  I have already written 65 pages, but the poor thing has been waiting at least six months to get back to it.  That's what spending time in the hospital twice does since then to a great unknown novelist.  OK, so what's next in my life besides whatever needs still to be done?  Aha! I've published the 10 best books that one can read and add to one's education.  Let's see what a vexillologist can do with that to show that the next 10 "best" books is ready to peruse:

11. Under the Volcano (Malcolm Lowry); 12. The Way of All Flesh (Samuel Butler); 13. 1984 (George Orwell); 14. I, Claudius (Robert Graves); 15. To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf); 16. An American Tragedy (Theodore Dreiser); 17. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (Carson McCullers); 18. Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut); 19. Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison); 20. Native Son (Richard Wright). There! I found something I can do without having to think! Look for 21-30

Monday, April 13, 2015

"These are the times that try men's souls" (Thomas Paine)

.....Every now and then I get a nasty email from a friend or an enemy complaining that I didn't publish their comment to the latest post on my blog--and if you are not my friend--then I suppose you're my enemy.  Anyway writing a comment is the simplest of activities. You just write it at the bottom of the blog where it says "reply"; then click on the little blue box that says "Publish".  Get it. Then I get a copy in my email and that is where I get to decide whether or not to publish it. I publish anything and everything, so there is to be no complaining--just figure out how and where to write your comment!  If it doesn't get published, then you've done it wrong dummy!
.....Today is Monday and that is the venerable day that Rh+ goes a-bowling, and if you are in her way, you get knocked down--or if (perish the thought) she has a luncheon or a doctor's appointment or any other reason that keeps her from the bowling alley with her team, she gets grumpy.  So I wait in another room reading the Bible until she leaves.  The only way I get out of the house myself is it I have a doctor's appointment--or we go out for dinner.  I have no contact whatsoever with any of my friends. They've all passed on.
.....In the event that I get to put on a show in 2015 or 16, I just stay by the computer and do a lot of research.  My idea is to have the songs. popular to every generation that had or is having a war. I am looking for the names of every generation since the Revolution.  Suppose I will have to call that the Independence Generation and the Civil War kids, the Uncivil Generation. (tee-hee!). Then comes the Lost Generation, also known as the 1914 Generation whose youth fought in WWI. Tom Brokaw gave us The Greatest Generation whose veterans fought in WWII also known as the G.I. Generation whose children were born from around 1901 through 1924. They also went through the Great Depression. They were followed by the Baby Boomers, (1943-1960), Generation X or "Gen. X" (1960-1980), Millennials or Generation Y (1980-2000).And here we are smack in the middle of Generation Z (2000--) whose youth is now in college, I suppose. Now don't take the dates as hard face for they are not. Let's say they are estimates.                      "
.....I imagine that I will find a plethora of war tunes and pop tunes that entertained each Generation.  Now, I have to find skits for this show.  That's a challenge!