Monday, February 22, 2010

"Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." (Alexander Pope)

.....In my reading, I've gotten to the original Passover when Moses led the Israelites out of the land of Egypt--freed from bondage. I see, too, that they actually sped out so fast that they couldn't leaven the bread, so I imagine they had to exist on Manischewitz. I didn't read anything about wine, but I'm certain they managed to carry a few bottles with them. The part that I read said nothing about gefilte fish or a salted egg. That's about as far as I got before nodding off to sleep. I'm sure I left out a few details, but if you are Jewish you know what they are, anyway.

.....I recently got an e-mail for John Storojev who was a student of mine back in Sea Cliff in 1957. I also got an invitation to become a friend of his on facebook. I really don't have much to do with facebook, but if I'm invited to be a friend, how can I, or anyone else refuse? So, I went to his web site and left a message and I got a goodly response:

I understand from Buster that you had a health issue

recently relating to some wild dancing you were doing

on a cruise. Hope you have mended by now. Rem-

ember to warm up before doing the jitterbug! Your

influence as a teacher, has served me over the years

in my writing and currently in my teaching. I won’t go

into details here, but suffice to say that the greatest

reward one can receive is to influence young minds

toward a positive and creative direction. That you’ve

done in my case and deserve to know it. I am sure

I am not the only one. Keep well, John

…..What is there in life that can best receiving indications

That one’s students have been influenced in a truly positive

way from one’s teaching? The amazing part of this is that

John, along with his peers, is now nearing 70—or has already

Attained that age and still remembers a teacher. I can only

Remember Mr. Chambers, my swimming coach and I can’t

Really recall much about him except getting thrown into the

pool. Great teaching has always been associated with person-

ality—a personality that is capable of interpreting living

realities—of opening new avenues of light and understanding—

and of assisting his students to use their own powers to the

fullest degree.

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