Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"I will drink life to the lees" (Tennyson)

.....I am still basking in the experience I had at the reunion of North Shore H.S. Class of '57.  Before and after my speech people I had in my classes whom I failed to recognize, mostly because they were from RH+'s generation, (...she was the only one I recognized) told me how I had affected their lives by my teaching of English literature and Creative Writing.  They told me how I had inspired them to pursue excellence in everything they did, and how their college education was a snap compared to what they had learned from me.  I knew I had an affect on a few former students...but not so many as I learned from the reunion.  Now, I had only been teaching for four years so what can I say about  the students in my classes as I began to improve as the years rolled on?  I am fascinated by what I have learned about my teaching, and I am humbled by it.

.....Now, to change the subject, for I have nothing more I can say about it; I don't know the words to describe it.  Today, I have graduated myself from the three-wheel walker to the cane that Bobby bought for me a few years ago.  I plan only to use a cane from now on.  It's one of the goals I vowed to reach if you've been reading this blog.  But it's not the last goal.  I am eventually going to ditch the cane and train for the marathon I will run when I'm 90.  After that, I have no plans.  I've been asked by a few students and friends to send them a video of the speech I made.  I haven't the equipment needed for a video, and I no longer take pictures.  But I still have an old fashioned camera and a roll of Kodak film which lie unused.  Nor do I have a phone to take pictures.  A phone is used for talking, I learned.  Nor do I use Facebook or Twitter or Linked, though I believe I signed up for them at one time.  But, as you know, I do use a computer which I love.

.....I am happy about where I have gone so far this year; the last was a horror, and I'm about all over it and as Hamlet would say ...who would these fardel's bear; and the Baroness is about over all her issues from the past year.  And who knows what the next chapter will be about?  Will have to check our Kindles.

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