Tuesday, September 15, 2009


(Actually, this addendum should come at the end of the previous Sept. 15 blog, but I don't know how to get it there--so don't read this until then)

Jimmy Carter: Wilson comments 'based on racism'

Email this StorySep 15, 8:48 PM (ET)By GREG BLUESTEIN

ATLANTA (AP) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst to President Barack Obama last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some in this country who feel that a black man should not be president.

Carter called Wilson's comment "dastardly" and said the president should be treated with respect.


  1. As someone who agrees with many of the Baron's political and social views, I would shrink away from welcoming Carter to my team and relying on him to bolster any position I take. He is the same person who has referred to Gaza as an Israeli concentration camp, compares the Israel/Gaza situation to apartheid, and urges the removal of Hamas from the terrorist list. And why would he not want the president to be treated with respect? He was the second-worst president in the last 100+ years, so the only way he can avoid deserved disrespect is to hide behind his former elected post. "Dastardly"? Will Carter next be "scandalized" by off-color comments and faint from "the vapors", only to be cured with leeches?

  2. Doctor Baron Rouge is passionate about whatever he does, whether teaching, acting, reacting, or considering local and world affairs; that is certainly a virtue.

    You are free to disagree with him as long as you appreciate his many virtues--a massive intellect; a heart of gold; multi-talents that create envy in the spiritually impoverished; and the courage of an immortal. He maintains ruthless standards of personal excellence.


    A thoroughbred proves himself by his progeny. Robin, Joel, Bobby, and Bonny are as good as it gets.

    So, here's to you, Doc Ross. May your health improve and may you enjoy becoming a Centurion, in every sense of the word.

  3. The Baron says: On the other hand, because President Bush's views on Israel are completely different from Carter's shouldn't Joel "shrink from welcoming this man on his team" and relying on him to "bolster any position" he might take who sent us to a meaningless war in Iraq where over 4000 American boys have been killed?

  4. ...and also the Baron completely agrees with the comment by Sir Bergovoy.

  5. Baron, One must remember that this is VERY SAME former President Carter, when asked about then Sen. Obama while campaigning for the Democratic Nomination, replied "this BLACK BOY".

    I believe that Sen. Wilson's remarks were not in keeping with either the RESPECT that the President deserves(no matter what party he belongs to), or the rules of the US Congress. That being said, this also applies to the Democrats who spent 8 years booing President Bush when addressed Congress.

    Our Founding Fathers did not envision that politicians would serve for decades, nor come from a narrow segment of the population. they were expected to be citizen/legislators, who would be citizens first and politicians second.

    as for your missive about the rally last weekend in Washington DC, I have always been taught that dissent is one of the highest forms of patriotic duty that the citizenry of this country can undertake, unless you believe that only rallies supporting the majority view are patriotic, while not agreeing with their point of view, you should credit them with holding a peaceful demonstration, one which would make Dr. King(a great believer of non violent protest) proud.

    unfortunately these days most everything boils down to politics and not what is best for this country. I am happy to say that while I have grown more conservative in my adult years, i still think that some liberal ideas are worth wrapping our arms around because they would show that we as a nation believe everyone shall be treated equally.

  6. 1. Baron: One's views on Israel are not a litmus test for me regarding who sits on my bench. Bush would be disqualified for a dozen other reasons. My point is that Carter's views are so warped on one issue that it taints his credibility on all other issues.

    2. Jon: The Democrats did not spend "8 years booing President Bush when [he] addressed Congress." They did boo him once, and it was in keeping with boorish manners already demonstrated by Republicans when they booed President Clinton during three different addresses to Congress. I am not aware of anyone of either party actually heckling a president on such an occasion.

    You quoted Carter's "this black boy" comment out of context. He was referring to how OTHERS would react to Obama's success. The others would think how "this black boy" who grew up disadvantaged would be so successful.
