Friday, December 26, 2014

"I to myself am dearer than a friend." (Shakespeare)

.....It's getting boring in retirement now.  Why of course I have this glog to deal with, but I can't deal with it as much as I']D LIke to because there isn't anything to write about.  My readers, as few as they may be are entitled to something a little more interesting than going to doctors or wwatching 22guys tryijb to bread ether's necks on thefootballl field dothjerdd mrfvl Sunday.
     Now all of a sudden this color has come up. Very weird.  I am left alone temporarily because RH+ went out to lunch with her sister and her cousin.  And speaking of "alone", she is planning to go to Ilana's graduation from Penn State.  Ilana feels that it will be better for her job seeking to work towards a CPA rather than a MA.  She is probably right. Oh, and about that "alone" issue--If RH+goes to the graduation, then she will want one of my kids to come down to "take care of me".  My reply was Uh Uh" She just kept going. "Well,then, we'll just hire someone to stay with you for a few hours during the day. It'll make me feel comfortable." I coudn;t let her get away with that on, so I complained, "But having no one here except me will make me feel more comfortable." Anyway this issue had not yet come to a satisfactory conclusion.  Any suggestions?                                    I have to use this color now or the marging os this blog will change.  Why? I don't know.  I'm a [ppoet, not a techie.  So I'll jus carry on with these margins.  I was thinking of two American games where your body is the deciding factor on your becoming a millionaire.  In American football it's a blessing if you are 300 pounds or better because that weight will get you a job that will make you rich.  In basketball you can become wealthy right out of high school it you are ataletic and 7 feet tall--or taller.  One of the NBA teams will grab you at once.  So forget your education, eat a lot and wait to see what happens.





1 comment:

  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netDecember 29, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    Mm, what's wrong with being on one's own, Baron dear? I just LOVE it! Books of poetry and prose to read, music to compose and to which to listen, not to mention all the DVDs that your spouse doesn't like, so that you don't normally get to see them. If you need physical help, then just buy it in. And aren't there ANY people in Delray Beach with whom you're on speaking terms, and with whom you'd like to consume tea and cakes?
    As for your blog, I've asked you to tell us all about what's your favourite poem or your favourite wartime anecdote, and to relate why you like them. I'm still waiting!! Cuzzin Ruth
