Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Animals are such agreeable friends..." (George Eliot)

.....I always knew--well, maybe not always-- the collective nouns referring to certain groups of animals.  For example, a herd of cows, a flock of birds, a school of fish--what fish is educated?--a gaggle of geese.  Aha, what about a group of lions, crows, doves, owls and baboons?  It will not be fair if you google them.  If you know, just put it down--and it has nothing to do with your IQ. I'll give the answers at the end of this article.

.....Today, I literally spent hours attempting to change my IDs & passwords on a few websites, and getting routing numbers from online banks so that I could transfer funds when I need to.  The damned websites battled with me over giving me access to my accounts, and several times I had to call customer service on the phone.  That's where I got an automated person telling me which numbers to press according to the information I wanted.  To speak to a real live person, one has to wait about 10 minutes most of the time. Screw that.  I'll start all over again manana.  Perhaps things will have changed.

.....Things are getting better with me.  The sore on my heel is almost closed.  I am free of pain now most all of the time--unless of course I bang it against something.  Insofar as my hip is concerned, the doctor tells me it's healed after looking at the x-rays.  I have my doubts because I cannot walk without the use of my walker--which, incidentally, has Harley-Davidson stickers all over it--courtesy of Bobby when he was here with Michelle. I don't know what is going on with them now.  Did get exciting news from Katrina, my granddaughter, telling everyone that she has a very special man in her life who has proposed to her. She is now engaged to this sailor named Max Hudgins.  They have tentatively set the date for September--depending on their schedule with the Navy.   So I suddenly have to start saving for the wedding.  But I do have my tuxedo ready!

Answers: A murder of crows, an exaltation of doves, a parliament of owls, and last, but not least, a Congress of Baboons!  Most appropriate, don't you think?


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netNovember 20, 2011 at 9:01 PM

    There's also: a murmuration of starlings and an unkindness of ravens. Also a new collective noun has appeared in our language over here: a wunch of bankers. This is a Spoonerism, so work it out for yourself, ha ha!
    SO VERY GLAD you're feeling better!!!
    I'm emailing you a poem I wrote about all those ghastly telephone options called "Otherwise Please Hold."

  2. Isn't a "Congress of Baboons" redundant?

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netNovember 21, 2011 at 12:41 PM

    Ho ho: possibly, but not necessarily, dear Joel. I have seen baboons mooching around in what was obviously just a one-family group. Cuzzin Ruth

  4. you forgot a Pride of lions

  5. No, I did not forget a Pride of lions. Look begins, "...what do you call a group of lions, etc. The reader is asked to know without checking Google first.
