Thursday, April 14, 2016


.....What's been going on with the attempt to get somewhere in arriving at the nominee for president is mindful of the attempts to acquire a leader in a third world country.  To think that Donald Trump could have become the Republican nominee if he were a bit less of an entertainer. Trump in running his campaign has gobbled up the media. CNN has been having a helluva time in following this TV personality, it seems, every minute of every hour. And to think that the election is seven months away, and that we would like some news on the news channels! 

.....And that Bible Thumper who is stalking Mr. Trump is quoted at saying "...the staff of Trump is just a bunch of union boss thugs!" Something to that effect. And I've been a member of the AFT--teachers' union, and in 30 years I never met a union thug.
And if I'm not mistaken, one of Sen. Cruz's staff referred to women of the Democratic Party as "whores. Well one woman anyway. So let's get on with it. I can barely swallow my food.

.....A couple of months ago, in Nigeria, the Boca Raton thugs kidnapped some 200 schoolgirls. (Maybe I got the "Raton" down quite cavalierly) and these imbeciles have kept the girls from their mothers to this day.  Darwin was right! The world is saturated with bodies whose brains have not yet developed that would allow these wretches to become human beings. I saw a video of the girls on TV today, and they looked very, very sad. If I took a selfie of me, I would look very, very sad as well.

.....I find that I can no longer write a post to this blog as I was won't to do. When I was 90--no problem. But now that I'm 92, retirement is over and I am in what I call "post retirement. My calendar is filled with MD appointments among other things. For example--tax return. I wonder what  the IRS could do to me if I did not file a return. After all, I have no wages!


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netApril 15, 2016 at 1:38 AM

    I think that Trump has dished himself by stating that women should be punished for having abortions. I feel instinctively that this is too much to swallow even for the anti-abortion idiots of your country. Everyone knows in their hearts that it takes two to tango, and criminalising women without thought for the men who have put those women in the unfortunate position of needing an abortion is monstrously unfair.
    Your IRS sounds horribly like our HMRC (Her Majesty's Customs & Revenue.) If I take a letter in by hand (some people and institutions seem rather bad at receiving their mail) and ask for a receipt for it, they won't give me one. This is because they don't want me to be in a position wherein I can establish with documentary evidence that they are actually in receipt of the letter.
    Why the doubts about continuing to blog? The entries are coming thick and fast at the mo!
    Cuz Ruth

  2. What in the heck is this world coming to? It's a scarey place now, knowing that The Trump is the best that the Rep. party can come up with. OYE!
    But the world is still a good place to be as long as you are here and continuing your blogging. See you in a few weeks papa!

  3. You'll need to file your tax return so YOU can get some money back from the IRS.

    1. I'm getting money back. The tax report has been emaied
