Sunday, July 27, 2014

"The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it." (Orwell)

.....I understand it; I really do. When Hamas was raining down rockets over Israel, I didn't hear or read a peep from any other country, including our own.  After all, it was only Jews who occupied Israel, and what harm did some rockets do over several months? And, I ask, what other country would stand for such attacks without starting to fight back with whatever power or military might available to them?  No other country is the answer. 
.....Now, I recall Colin Powell's advice about warfare; make certain that if you fight, you fight with overwhelming military power!  Now, Hamas and their sympathizers around the world are berating Israel for using their power to stop the rocket launching terrorist organization. The United States lists Hamas as a terrorist organization.  Now, the complaint is that at least 1000 Palestinians have been killed in this fighting.  Did Hamas and the Palestinians think that Israel was going to bomb them with shishkabab and humus? This fighting is a war--not a skirmish. 
.....So, knowing that there would be many civilian losses, why did Hamas not make any effort to move the civilian population from the war zone knowing that their lives were in danger?  Why did Hamas build tunnels that opened on Israeli soil?  And then complain about their destruction without halting the rocket launching?  If Florida was being attacked (by a hurricane, of course) would the people with homes on the east coast remain there--or go to a hotel in Naples? I understand it; I really do.
.....The Russians have annexed the Crimea, and all the world has done is to wring their hands (...a mixed metaphor?).  So, why can't Israel kick Hamas out of Gaza and annex the damned place? What can they do? Start an inter-farter? Bring it on!
.....Well, I certainly do not want to continue pontificating on my personal soap box, so the best thing to do when I realize it, is to change the subject.  I have no power to affect worldly issues, and so I might as well get used to it. But I reserve the right to sulk and to brood when the mood washes over me.  At times like these, I recall Wordsworth's lines, "...I'd rather be a pagan, suckled in a creed outworn; so might I, standing by this pleasant lea, have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn."   (...these lines fully symbolic, of course. Figure it out; I don't have the time nor the inclination to do it for you.) OK. Now I feel better. So, now to the mundane things--what else can you do when you're 90 and 5 months?  What's for dinner? What's on TV? Do I have clean underwear? Why do I see even more pills in the container? Shall I write a post for my blog today? Do I have one more book in me? Will I be around for the summer Olympics? Do I need to go to the bathroom? Have a nice day.


  1. Now that's the Norman Ross I love to hear from. They have created a new concept call 'proportionality' in order to find some rationale to support Hamas and oppose Israel. Imagine that, proportionality. Could you imagine such a concept in WWI or WWII? I heard an Israeli spokesman when confronted with this concept brilliantly reply that hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars have gone into Gaza since their last war with Israel. But instead of building an economy or spending on education, the money went into building tunnels and missiles because the objective of Hamas is the destruction of Israel. And until these groups change that mindset, nothing will ever be solved. Thanks for speaking out, Norman.

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJuly 27, 2014 at 11:40 PM

    Quite agree. The Gazans can't have it both ways. When Israel left Gaza, the Gazans should have said: "Thanks! And by-ee!" Instead they vote in Hamas, whose manifesto states that they are going to kill all the Jews, and, allying themselves with the wider Palestinian movement, take up hostilities again. Wtf is Israel supposed to do? As for this wretched "proportionality" biz, Israel protects its civilians, whereas The Palestinians not only refuse to do this, they also use civilians as human shields, so that they can shed crocodile tears and solicit world -wide sympathy. However, since the Palestinians say they glory in death, and the Israelis quite rightly want to dish it out to them, you'd have thought everyone would be happy ;-) And anyway, what's the point of attacking a stronger power and then snivelling because you can't win it? It makes no sense to me. But I think that the message that the Palestinians are making no sense is getting through to us over here, and that's good of course. Although there are lots of collections for the suffering of Palestinians: and I'm not sure the money is being spent on what it should be but on arms.
    What can you do about your future? KEEP ON BLOGGING!!
    Cuzzin Ruth xxx
