Friday, April 18, 2014

"I shall not cease from Mental Fight, nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand..." (BLAKE)

.....Sorry that it has taken so long to write another post, but I was busy doing other things of importance--like making a will.  That is a very tough exercise if your spouse is a second marriage.  I am doing it on the internet at a web called "Total Legal".  For $19 it's pretty neat.  I spent $19 on "Tax Act" and my return, made online, was sent electronically to the IRS and I got a $5330 refund in one week. (I think I was taking out too much withholding!). 
.....To completely change the subject before I forget, I got a call from the French Consulate yesterday.  They want to pin a medal on me.  They're somewhat more late than the Navy with my medals.  The pin ceremony is to take place in Boynton Beach on May 8th.  I guess I earned it chasing the Nazis out of France shooting down their Dorniers, Junkers, and Messerschmitts. The Luftwaffe of the Third Reich officially existed from 1933–1945; training for a German air force had been going on as early as the 1920s, before the Nazis came to power.  I was so busy in that tail turret that I felt like Snoopy in his Sopwith Camel.
.....Well Passover has come and gone again--for the 90th time I may say.  And what's the big deal about eating matzoh?  I eat it all year round; I prefer it over white bread.  And I learned that sixth graders have described the matzoh that Jews ate in the Exodus, as "unleavened bread without any ingredients."  And to get the ten "condiments" Moses had to climb Mt. Cyanide.  I hope he brought some Matzoh for God with onion and chicken fat to rub on it; although RH+ claims that combo is a cholesterol induced heart attack.
.....I've written a lot of posts for this blog since I published "Of Time and Destiny".  The last posted date published in that book is August 7, 2013.  However, and unfortunately, my computer somehow lost the Word Program that I used for the book. It also lost Excel and Quicken.  All of these programs are very important for my mental health, and I don't know where they disappeared--probable to the hard drive and I don't know how to get them back.  If only I was living in the 21st Century instead of holding my place in the 20th, perhaps I'd be able to retrieve them with the techie knowledge required.  Well, like Socrates said, "All I know is that I know nothing."


  1. Did you "lose" those programs when your new computer was set up with Windows 8? If they were installed in Win8, then you should still have them somewhere.

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netApril 26, 2014 at 9:48 PM

    Yes, when something goes missing at Chateau Grimsley, I always say: "It MUST be SOMEWHERE" For some reason, this seems to infuriate my family. I don't know why. It most certainly must be somewhere - even if that somewhere is the municipal rubbish tip. Cuzzin Ruth
