Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Please excuse my bad English; I'm American"

.....The problem with America is stupidity.  I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?   I have lost count of the number of senseless wars we have been engaged in since the Civil War ended in 1865.  To win a war it takes many weapons, old and new; and all our wars have taken an unimaginable number of lives--old and young.  And think not only of a lost life, but of the grieving family that is left behind.  I found it extremely heart rending having to shoot down enemy Messerschmitts  or to sink a submarine carrying many young men whose duty in WWII was to destroy a convoy of American ships carrying aid to the British Isles.  All I could think of was the grief I or my aircrew mates would be causing to the wives and mothers and sisters and other family members left at home.  I could hardly bear the thought of my own mother's grief over my own death if that had been my fate in battle.  But though WWI and WWII were obviously stupid on all sides, what can be said about Vietnam or Iraq?  We went to war in Iraq to wipe out their WMDs--but when we got there, no weapons of mass destruction were to be found--but a plentiful number of American bodies.  How stupid was that?  How incredibly stupid!
.....And how stupid are we Americans who are not inspired by Putin's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula because the people there speak Russian and not Ukrainian.  It' stupidity not to allow Arizona, Texas, and South Carolina (among some other Red states) to secede from the Union if they so wish.  They don't pay their taxes to the IRS anyway.  These secessionists will not have to be concerned about "Obamacare" any longer because they can then name their health plan after their governors.  What we can do, which is unstupid, is to annex Canada.  After all, most of Canada speak English and not French.  We do not want French on our ballots.  Having Spanish on them is bad enough, although, at times, easier to read than the English.  But, of course, Canadians who speak English with an accent will be excluded, and those who are already here using up our gas for their cars shall be deported. Except those in South Florida who are good for our economy.  One good thing about annexing Canada is that we can pass a law banning hockey in America. 
.....It is no secret that in Congress, stupidity runs rampant, and our Congressmen may not see that allowing the "No" states to secede would go a long way to rid America of stupidity, though perhaps not altogether.  At least it would make our flag somewhat easier to raise on a pole because the loss of a few stars would reduce the flag's weight.  And, finally, come to think of it, whoever stupidly said that money can't buy happiness simply don't know where to shop.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMarch 26, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    Mmm...I´m not going to argue about the rights and wrongs of intervening in Iraq, but I don´t doubt that Saddam Hussein had WMDs of some sort or another. He gassed a lot of his own subjects at Halabja. Or doesn´t poison gas count as a WMD when used on Kurdish folk?
    Btw, my dear late father used to say: "Money can´t buy happiness: but you can be miserable in comfort!" Much love, Cuzzin Ruth

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMarch 26, 2014 at 8:41 PM

    And Baron, before you start complaining about Spanish and French, please think about us poor Brits - WE have to endure a lot of Urdu and Somali and stuff....Cuzzin Ruth

    1. We shall think about annexing the UK (except for Ireland and Scotland) because you do speak English and those who speak Urdu and Somali will have to be deported to Urduastan and Somalistan since they are in the US illegally.

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMarch 28, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Mm, yeah, Baron, and while you´re doing all that, perhaps you´d care to do something about the WELSH as well. They´re a rather strange bunch too!
    About Urdu - it´s interesting. I´m not sure that it´s anybody´s native language. It started off as the lingua franca of the Indian subcontinent during the Moghal empire. It shares 70% of its vocabulary with Hindi (formerly called Hindustani) and the rest is Arabic and Turkish. A lot of people in the developing world speak three languages: one for the home, one for the street, and one for the office. (The last one´s usually English!) Urdu seems to come into the "street" category for many people.
    Anyway, there´s one advantage to having both Pakistanis and Somalians in the UK - for a lot of the time, they´re being horrible to EACH OTHER!! Cuzzin Ruth

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netApril 1, 2014 at 11:48 AM

    Hi Baron, I´m returning soon from my brief but pleasant sojourn in Lanzarote. I thought I´d let you know that lots of elderly people here are HIRING mobility scooters and having immense FUN with them. Displaying cheeky banners, engaging in jolly banter about them, letting their grandchildren have rides with them on the things, that sort of stuff! No stigma to the vehicles whatsoever! Cuzzin Ruth
