Sunday, January 26, 2014

'Tis not the years in your life, but the life in your years that counts. (Adlai Stevenson)

.....I'm running out of colors for the posts to this blog.  I suppose that's normal for 502 if them, but I don't recall using this brownish color.  I imagine JR can find a post with his spy glasses, but I don't know.  Neither does it matter.  What does matter, however, is health.  I believe I am about 90% healthy (to go with my age soon to be), but since I've had surgery on both hips I can't walk like a normal person, I have to use a walker, or a scooter, or a wheelchair.  I'm not thrilled about the result of those two falls.  Having to use those devices to get around is not a good thing, let me tell you.  And since I gave RH+ the keys to my car, she has to drive me wherever I have to go--and that's not a good thing either.
.....Last night we saw a most unusual show in our theatre.  This guy sang for an hour and a half, and for each song there was a video behind him of various scenes.  He sang a couple of familiar pop tunes along with a few operatic ones.  I didn't know most of the tunes he sang so I did not understand him, but I wondered at the talent he displayed.  His range was incredible, & not understanding did not get in the way of appreciating his talent.  Singing with a video behind him, strangely enough, was a device I had scheduled in the manuscript for a show which I wrote for residents to perform. The songs I was going to use with a video from u-tube were "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again", "This Land is Your Land",  "In the Mood", & Neil Diamond's "Coming to America".  Last night, to end his show, he sang and played some disco songs.  Rh+ couldn't help herself, so she stood up and danced solo. I probably could dance a couple of steps with my walker, but it would not be a sight long remembered.
.....Well, let's take a hiatus from the entertainment world to the world of politics.  Or perhaps that should be the whirl of politics.  One girl who will surely be in a whirl when she becomes the nominee for President is Hillary Clinton.  She has everything a nominee could ask for, millions in her coffer, experience of foreign affairs having been Secretary of State, women in her corner, more millions to come--and Time magazine agrees with me.  And so does Bill and Chelsea, who have inside knowledge of the rest rooms in the White House.  Of course the Republican Tea Party will not be happy campers, there's not much they can do about it.  And they can forget about repealing Obama Care.  Roe vs. Wade?  I haven't a clue.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJanuary 26, 2014 at 10:58 PM

    Yes, as I recall, you backed Hilary Clinton as your favoured candidate for the presidential elections, but that's not how it turned out. But Obama's OK, especially "Obamacare," which I am glad has won the heart of the nation. As for Roe vs Wade, it's easy. I don't like the idea of abortion, and am glad that I've never been in a position in which I have had to contemplate having one, but when all is said and done, the alternatives are not abortion or no abortion, but safe or unsafe abortion. It's a no-brainer. The wider case for abortion is that Nature or God or whatever you want to call it has divided up the work of childbearing and rearing most unequally between men and women, and justice requires that we redress that imbalance.
    As for the rest of your posting, it was interesting, but I have no particular comment, except to say that the sight of Rh+ dancing sounds like it was totally ineffable. Cuzzin Ruth

    1. Hi my friendly BK cuz; I liked Hillary but I really favored Obama--a lot, so your memory failed you in that regard. As for abortion, I do not favor it because we cannot know what good it would accomplish for humanity. But I do support a woman's right to choose. And I'm certain that it is a tough decision.
