Sunday, July 28, 2013

"What can't be cured, must be endured" (Proverb)

.....I figure it's time to get busy again, and perhaps even be able to write another post to this unattended blog.  After all, since I last wrote something, a new prince has been added to the royal family, and being a Baron, I feel obligated to say a few words about "George".  His birth, I am sure, engendered much joy to our friends in merry olde England, but no more than did our great grandson, Prince Huston when he was born to PK (Princess Katrina Ross) in our own realms here.  Joy was spread throughout the Baron's offspring in Maryland, Virginia, Florida, California, Montana, and even as far away as Cuzzin Ruthie in Britannia.  Unfortunately, RH+ and I will be unable to attend Georgie's bris.

.....At the moment, I am getting only the last vestiges of my battle with bronchitis--a cough now and then.  It has been the worst illness I have ever suffered, but I suppose any illness will be the worst from now on.  Getting on in years, I have learned requires the strength to weather one illness after another.  It also requires wasting a lot of time in doctors' waiting rooms, as well as maintaining a decent health insurance policy.  If that is what President Obama wants every American to have, what's so bad about that?  If that is what Republicans are opposed to, then it certainly must be a good idea.  Can anyone think of a good idea the GOP has come up with in Congress since FDR's administration?  If so, cite it in a comment.

.....Here in Huntington Lakes there has been a show produced by residents every year since 1982, and this year the Board has rejected the only show presented to them.  I wasn't at the meeting when this happened so I don't really know who was principally responsible for this rejection.  My feeling is that when the residents have a show to put on, it should not be a matter for the Board to like or dislike.  The show is a vehicle for residents who enjoy performing, and for some who have bought homes here because of the opportunities available for them to be part of a group who do sing and act before an audience.  Since I have written and published 13 books, I decided I'd try my hand at writing a show, and so I have.  It will be a recreation and remembrance of the USO concerts of WWII with songs and celebrities of the era.  I am now waiting for an opportunity to bring it before the Board.  I hope that happens sooner rather than later. 


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJuly 28, 2013 at 4:44 PM

    Dear Baron, words cannot express how happy I am to see you back blogging again! Welcome back!!
    Of COURSE Prince Huston is more important than Prince George - it goes without saying. (And as it happens, I'm expecting a grandchild myself!) "George" is an odd name for a prince or king: it means "agricultural worker." ("Ge-" ="earth," + "ergon" = "work." If there's one thing this little chappie will never have to do, it's cultivate his own vegetables and livestock. Speaking of the bris, did you know that the English royal family not only have their male babies circumcised, but that they also get a mohel in to do it? It is intended as a compliment to our Jewish population, and it IS one.
    Yes, you're right about that Board: it all sounds a bit ultra vires to me.
    Glad you're better, hurrah!! (Gunfire, parades, military bands, peals of bells, etc.)

  2. The GOP administration under Eisenhower began construction of the Interstate highway system. That was a pretty good idea.

  3. 1) If the Board rejects a proposed show, can the proposer simply put on the play himself/herself with volunteers? As a resident, do you have free access to the theater by reserving specific times, or would you have to pay a rental fee?

    2) If the Board rejects a proposed show, can the proposer resubmit an insipid proposal that is likely to be accepted, and then actually produce and present something entirely different? "Sorry, Board, but the original show had undergone numerous rewrites."

  4. I really don't know the answers to both questions. The Board provides the funds needed to put on a show such as a pianist, sheet music, choral director, an orchestra, etc. However, I will be meeting with the Board on Thursday, Aug. 1. I have a show prepared. Stay tuned.

  5. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJuly 30, 2013 at 5:47 AM

    Oops! What happened to the comment I wrote congratulating you on your recovery? It must have disappeared in the ether. (Or e-ther!) Anyway, I'm so pleased, dear Baron. Also you should know that our Royal Family does have its boys circumcised, and calls in a mohel to do it. It is intended as a compliment to Her Majesty's loyal Jewish community. But of course Prince Huston is more important than Prince George! As it happens, I'm expecting my own first grandchild in September, Prince or Princess bar- or bat-Rachel of the Marcovici Dynasty! I have asked Rachel and Graham, if the baby is a boy, to include my father's name, Wolf, in his forenames, and they have said they will. Isn't this exciting? Cuzzin Ruth
