Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Supreme Court Decision=Abortion is Legal; deal with it. (Baron)

.....Every year that goes by now, and as election days draw near, it amazes me how so many American voters choose the kind of person they want to be seated in governmental positions where important decisions are being made that affect women and women's right to make choices about their own health and well-being.  The most stupid and dangerous of these politicians is Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican Senate candidate from Missouri, a staunch abortion opponent, who actually said that victims of "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant because a woman's reproductive system "shuts down" in such cases preventing contraception!  No doubt, this idiot must have been a low C- student in college, providing that he went to college, who never took a course in basic biology.  And so what did he mean by "legitimate rape"?  Is it as the cartoonist Lowe portrayed Akin abusing a pregnant woman by saying, "Admit it!  Your lips were saying 'No,' but your eyes were saying, 'Yes!' "?  Would his wife agree, I wonder that this is legitimate rape?  And Mitt Romney, by selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, is moving further to the right.  Ryan co-sponsored a bill that could ban in-vitro fertilization, the birth control pill, and all abortions even in cases of rape or incest.  (He would also ban gays in the military and same sex marriages).

.....Akin is not the only Republican, nor many right wing voters (and Democrats, also) making it more and more difficult for women to obtain abortions by choice.  Doctors who perform that procedure and clinics providing that service are under attack, and more and more state legislatures are passing laws that attempt to bypass Rowe V. Wade.  It is my opinion that more than being the champions of unborn fetuses, most of the anti-abortion movement is guided by religious fervor rather than secular belief.  But that's OK--as long as those whose religion opposes abortion do not override the choices that women have a right to make about the use of their own bodies, their own health and well-being.  America is not a Muslim country where those who make disparaging views of the Koran are subject to death.  And in this country women ought not to be forced to have a baby as the result of rape--because of religious fervor or not, or because of rape, "legitimate" or not.

1 comment:

  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netAugust 22, 2012 at 6:05 AM

    What on earth does the idiot mean by "legitimate" rape? Rape within marriage? Date rape? Sex where consent is not really present, such as where the woman is under the influence of drink or drugs, often administered by the man? Well, whatever, all this sort of thing must be viewed as the thin end of a wedge. Once they've got one category within their control, they'll move on to another. I repeat my view of abortion, which is that it's horrible, and I'm extremely glad that I've never been in a position in which I would have had to consider it, but when all is said and done, all that can sensibly be done is to keep it legal and keep it safe. Cuzzin Ruth
