Thursday, August 23, 2012

"I always voted at my party's call, and never thought of thinking for myself at all." (HMS Pinafore)

.....From what I've read and heard, Rep. Akin of Missouri, has decided to continue his misguided contumely regarding a woman's right to an abortion in the case of rape or incest.  I don't know what woman could possibly think of voting for this man...or any other man for that matter, who is running for political office, and who thinks as Akin does about women's rights.  May God forbid that anyone of this mindset should win a seat in Congress or the White House.  I don't really mean a "personal God" who resides in Heaven and makes decisions about human hubris; only voters can prevent this kind of arrogance in America.  Factually, I am a "Tooth Fairy Agnostic"; I cannot prove that there is a God for the believers, but the likelihood of there being such a presence is about as likely as there is a Tooth Fairy.  

.....Aside from the miserable Akin, I have also read and heard about the millions upon millions of dollars being spent by the candidates running for election in November, much of the money emanating from the pockets of the wealthy.  We have become a Plutocracy rather than a Democracy.  Rarely can an ordinary man or woman run for office who does not have wealth of their own, or who has gathered millions from sources whose personal interests would be at risk if their favorite candidate loses.
As for my preference--I would hope that we become (once more) a "Meritocracy".  The word is especially interesting because it was widely used in Britain after Tony Blair, former Labour Prime Minister, in his speeches, used it to mean a social system which allows people to achieve success proportionate to their talents and abilities as opposed to one in which social class or wealth is the controlling factor.

.....I don't mean to denigrate my friends--or any of their friends--who are Republicans, but they have an agenda vastly different from mine.  And I do respect their rights to establish their own beliefs regarding government.  I know a couple of desires for our country that conservatives want to see--"smaller" government, and fewer "entitlements".  However, I believe the Tea Party is way too far to the right, and their tea bags should be purloined as quickly as possible, and their cups put back in the cupboard.  

1 comment:

  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netAugust 24, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    I wouldn't drink tea made from the Tea Party's teabags. After all, who knows, it might have been their tea that drove them to insanity. After you've purloined the teabags, dear Baron, make sure you dispose of them safely, perhaps by incineration. Don't throw them out with the ordinary rubbish: whatever's in them might leach out into the soil, sending the whole country crazy! Much love, Cuzzin Ruth
