Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Bad, the Good, and the Ugly

.....The musical that I wrote has been "stolen" and "ravished".  I recently turned over my role as Director to a "friend" who was at the time the Executive Producer.  I told him he could take over the direction as he saw fit, but should he wish to change anything in the script not to do so without my approval.  If he changed anything without my approval, it would be a violation of my copyright. The fact is that I named him the Director, but I did not give him the play.  Well, since then he went along with his pal, the musical director to change songs that I wanted to begin the show and to end the show.  When Rhoda went to him to ask that he return the script, he refused to do so.  To me, this is outright thievery and violation of the copyright.  What happens now I'm not sure.  I have two choices; take legal action  or let it go and spare myself any further aggravation. I have chosen the latter.  Thank goodness.  Now I can sleep late.

.....The invitations to my Surprise Birthday Party are all out, and the RSVPs are dribbling in.  It appears that some people cannot read...perhaps they are really illegal immigrants.  They do not include what they would care to have for dinner, and so Rhoda has to spend a lot of time calling them back and getting them to speak English or not getting a seat at the Surprise Birthday Party.  Now, some readers think I am fooling by saying it's a "Surprise Party".  Well obviously I know about it so the "surprise" must be that I have been able to reach the age of 90 in order to enjoy a party.  So, it's really a surprise birthday, not a surprise party! Pretty tricky, eh?  All the grandchildren have responded with the exception of Sean and Hannah.  However, since they are adults, their parents don't have to answer for them. If they don't RSVP, then we'll arrange for them to dine at Wendy's.  Huston also has a problem; he ordered cereal which is not on the menu. Will there be music? Yes. Will there be an open bar?  Yes.  Should you bring gifts?  No.

.....Now . the ugly is the amount of time one has to spend taking medication and going to doctors when reaching my age and before.  One may have to see a Primary doctor, a Neurologist, a Coronary doctor, a Pulmonologist, a Dermatologist, and perhaps a Psychiatrist. Then there's the Podiatrist and the Manicurist.  Every week  a "senior" (like me) has a doctor's appointment somewhere and since I have given up my car keys RH+ has to drive me everywhere. I still know how to drive but if I had to get into a car with a 90 year old, I would not do it.  So instead of being hypocrital, I gave up my keys, but not without a tear for the end of an era.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netDecember 28, 2013 at 6:01 PM

    Dear Cuzzin, it takes a good and generous person to refrain from litigation when it would provide a possible redress of wrongs; and the same applies to someone who can accept that he should give up the convenience and pleasure of driving a car. All you need to do now is to forgive the young of your family who don't know how to behave with propriety and proper courtesy and punctiliousness. They have grown up in a world that has deceived them into thinking that their inclinations alone provide the measure and compass of their own actions. By "the world," I don't mean their parents, but the pervading ethos of the era into which they were born. It's a very nasty and ubiquitous ethos. Try to keep these young people in your good perceptions, even though it's an effort. Cuzzin Ruth

  2. Regarding the RSVPs: In defense of those who are being accused of not being able to read, or of being banished to Wendy's, someone told me that the due date on the invitation is given as 14 Feb., which is still a good 7 weeks away! Also, even though the three meal choices are provided on the back of the invitation, does it say anywhere on the invitation that one's preference is necessary at the time of the RSVP? If not, it could mean that those will be the only choices on the menu, and each guest orders at that time (I've been to events that do that). For every person who is seated at Wendy's, will you be sending out invites to someone who didn't get one yet?

  3. The date on the invitation is clear. If one's choice is not required by the venue at the time of the invitation, they would not be there and you'd have nothing to complain about. If you require more choices on the menu please send cash. We are feeding 50 people now--with an open bar and you can get drunk for free with more than three choices to make you happy. And oh yes, Norman at 90 is not able to eat more than three choices.

  4. Oh, sorry Anonymous, do you know someone who didn't get an invitation yet? Name or names please.
