Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shakespeare's Sonnet # LXXIII (Read it)

.....Casting the musical which I titled "43!" is coming along.  There are some new talent who moved into the community, and they will certainly enhance the show.  If I can get CDs of the show, I will send them out to friends and relations.  Unfortunately the theatre is being renovated, so we can't get in there to begin rehearsals...and we certainly are going to need rehearsals.  Well, enough about the show.  We have put down a deposit at the Westchester Country Club's banquet hall for the 28th of February birthday party I'm to have.  Ten years ago I had my 80th there.  It'll be an extravaganza with plenty for our guests to eat and drink. So hold the date.  Who knows? You may get an invitation.  I did not want a big party, because I don't like being in the middle of a place with a lot of people.  Rh+ however, philosophized that you're only 90 once.  Yeah; if you can reach 90 and I'm not there yet.   If I do get there, I'll be amazed; then I might as well go for 100.  That's like Don Quixote trying to reach the unreachable star.  Maybe I'll get to be the oldest WWII vet alive.  Then they'd have to award me the Medal of Honor even though I have two of the highest combat medal the Navy awards--the DFC.

.....Speaking of birthdays, my virtual reality cousin, Ruth Grimsley, just had a birthday a couple of days ago.  I don't know how old she is, you never ask a lady her age or how much she weighs.  Nevertheless, I do hope she had a happy birthday; she keeps my spirits up one way or another.  Speaking of spirits, I have kept mine up by thinking of, not my life, but the lives of my children, and recently I thought about my son, Joel's, life.  He was a bright student in school, he played Little League baseball and was a great base stealer.  He picked apples one year in the summer; he graduated from Cornell; he went to Australia and was a teacher there; he worked on a kibbutz in Israel and wrote a book about that experience--so he was an author as well.  JR also spent 20 years or so in the CIA, and when he retired he went to work for a software company and kept an "office" in his basement.  Now he is the Vice President of that company and he has offices in a new building.  Now consider that he is over 60 (!) and is the captain and manager of a 55+ champion soccer team.  And, oh yes, I almost forgot, he married a beautiful girl, Barbara, and has two grown children, Adam and Hannah.  Now that has been quite an industrious, exciting, and noble life. He has made me proud and a grandfather.  I have three more "kids" and I will get to them eventually.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netOctober 28, 2013 at 1:14 AM

    Gosh! Thank you for your kind birthday thoughts, dear Baron, but my birthday is a few days hence, on 5th November. I don't have a problem with disclosure of my age: I will be 66. (In fact, I think I might write a lyric about it, entitled "Ruth 66," geddit?) I will now go and re-read the sonnet you mention.
    Btw, my son Sam, the surgeon, tells me that if anyone is still alive, the statistical figure for their future is ALWAYS 6.6 more years of life. So - there's a more than even chance that you'll get to be 100! Much love, Cuzzin Ruth

  2. I found the second half of your blog post very entertaining and enlightening, but it left me wanting to know more.

  3. More? More what? Don't be greedy. Be a good boy.

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netOctober 28, 2013 at 9:04 PM

    Dear Baron, maybe your dear son Joel wants all the news on his siblings, so why not give it to him? Or maybe he wants to know about all the organisations to which he belongs, but which are so SECRET that he doesn't even know he belongs to them! Either way, I feel that you should indulge him, not castigate him. I've re-read the sonnet - yes, wonderful, and very aptly chosen. Much love, Cuzzin Ruth

  5. Doc time for some Holiday posts!
