Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people" (Lincoln)

........Well, finally the Grand Old Party buckled somewhat so that the job of keeping America on an even keel got somewhat done.  The Tea Party wing of the Republican Party is ripping it apart in their imbecilic frenzy to get rid of a black president.  If there is anyone who doubts that racism still exists in this country, well then it is a black mark on our democracy.  Democracy?  Not much left of what the founding fathers envisioned. What we have is a plutocracy or oligarchy; not much difference.  No doubt I might not live long enough to witness the people of this country taking charge of America at the ballot boxes.  For unless we do, the Lilliputians and Blefscudians will be running this country at the behest of the Yahoos.
..........Right now, I'm recovering from my sixth fall!  Yes, I have fallen for one reason or another--no doubt from carelessness primarily.  So I'm left with two broken hips and a lot of ripped skin.  I am subject to the ignominy of not being able to walk without the aid of a "walker" which I hate.  Every time I use it, I am reminded of how I ran two marathons and flew 60 missions in WWII aerial combat.  I flew with barely a scratch from enemy submarines, Messerschmitt's, and Japanese Zeros.  (That's how I became the Red Baron). And now I'm almost housebound.  RH+ drives me wherever I have to go; she is really my only friend and she is the epitome of what one can expect from a friend.  That is why she is a + and not a --.  Actually I do not have a single male friend in the world anymore; they've all died, and I am blessed to be able to live at least until I'm 90--and that will happen in another four months.  RH+, of course, is making a BIG party for me on Feb. 28.  Save the date in case you're invited.
........I am now proud of myself; I have written a musical which will be performed here on the last weekend of March.  I have not only written it, but I will also direct it.  So, now I join Rogers and Hammerstein and Steven Sondheim in the annals of hit musicals!


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netOctober 20, 2013 at 10:13 PM

    So sorry, dear Baron, that you have fallen down again. Still, it's the law of Nature that if you live long enough, you will grow old. Isn't there a lovely scene in Henry IV Part II, with Falstaff and Justice Shallow discussing the matter? The "chimes at midnight" scene? They're talking about a jolly wench they used to know: yes, she still lives, but she has grown old. "She cannot help but grow old," is their conclusion! And rare is the person who lives to be old without sustaining the infirmities of age and the loss of their friends. Much sympathy, dear Baron! And keep that great mind of yours on your musical! Don't forget to video it for my delectation and delight! Much love, Cuzzin Ruth

  2. The Republicans according to CNN are 75% out of favor after the latest grand stand that kept the National Parks closed..etc... Not only the Lilliputians , but the Plantagenets and the Vermicious Knids will be running things. You still have friends in Sea Cliff who think of the 70's show we performed ..often! The only thing I ever wrote was a bio of my great great Grandfather Daniel Ayres Jr. and his doctoring the wounded at the Peninsula in Va. with the all the amputations etc...Hopefully you will out profit The Sound of Music and Guys and Dolls- make sure you youtube it... As for the the the .."We got the gold..We got the gold prospector dance"..from The Treasure of Sierra Madre, near a couch preferably and 5 or 6 advils!!! Only 5 months still Spring!!! Timmy:>

  3. The Republicans according to CNN are 75% out of favor after the latest grand stand that kept the National Parks closed..etc... Not only the Lilliputians , but the Plantagenets and the Vermicious Knids will be running things. You still have friends in Sea Cliff who think of the 70's show we performed ..often! The only thing I ever wrote was a bio of my great great Grandfather Daniel Ayres Jr. and his doctoring the wounded at the Peninsula in Va. with the all the amputations etc...Hopefully you will out profit The Sound of Music and Guys and Dolls- make sure you youtube it... As for the the the .."We got the gold..We got the gold prospector dance"..from The Treasure of Sierra Madre, near a couch preferably and 5 or 6 advils!!! Only 5 months still Spring!!! Timmy:>
