Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"But if the while I think on thee dear friends...all losses are restored and sorrow ends." (W.S. Sonnets)

.....I began writing this blog on August 8, 2007, and in another month it will be three years old. The original purpose was to write a journal that might be of interest to my descendants. That is why I began with the title, "Paternoster in Condoland." Not that I would be a "father" to them, but perhaps more of a great grandfather--or so. The subjects that I have written about have been taken from the kind of life I have been living in South Florida as a senior citizen living in a condo community with many activities. Sometimes my postings have been somewhat banal and localized on the food and dining, on movies, on sports and on other non-controversial subjects. Other posts have embraced such subjects as religion and politics, and thoughts on liberalism, ennui, heroism, etc. with particular attention to my own views on these subjects, although with, hopefully, no disrespect for the views of others. Since 2007, I have written almost 600 postings on this blog, and to preserve them I've published six volumes under the "Paternoster" title and one book with the title "Fires in the Heart". I will soon have enough posts to publish a second volume under that title. Most likely that will be the last.

.....Writing my memoirs and this blog has been fun, has kept me busy, and for an old guy has kept my mind sharp while I cannot say the same for my body. I believe there is a difference between ills of the body and good health. I do enjoy good health. My vital signs are all in good shape, and I have no blockages that might affect my heart; so I suppose I'm on my way to 90. I plan to become the oldest living WWII vet. I also plan to write this blog less often. The comments that I once received have dropped off, and I surmise that my readership has done the same. I imagine they have gotten tired of checking to see if there is an article to read, and I can't blame them. I will miss them--Phil, and Ellin, and Robert Fox, and Mike, and Bill, and Barry, and Lou, and Helen, and Annette, and Joel, and Bobby, and Bonny, and Robin, and even Anonymous. So this blog will go the way of Golf, and Marathons, and Acting, and walking, and singing--like layers of skin peeling off. But I have suffered losses much greater than these. Well, everyone can check once in a while to see if they have missed any that I will write when the muse moves me.

SONNET LXXIII (William Shakespeare)

THAT time of year thou may'st in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang:

In me thou see'st the twilight of such day 5
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by-and-by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest:

In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie 10
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by:

—This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.


  1. Ellin Bliss Jaeger (North Shore '58)July 14, 2010 at 8:58 PM

    Oh no! I think most of us are still here. I don't get to the computer so often because I had back surgery 8 weeks ago (and I can't sit very long), but I always catch up. I guess it's hard to have a silent audience, my guess is others will speak up now too.

    Was waiting for a comment from you about the World Cup Final. I was embarrassed for soccer by the way the Dutch played. I know they are known for that kind of a game, but with the whole world watching, what a shame. The Spaniards were beautiful to look at and played well. I guess I should admit, sitting next to a retired soccer coach, when they weren't fouling, the Dutch Team played well too......

  2. Ellin Bliss JaegerJuly 14, 2010 at 9:00 PM

    Thank you for the Sonnet.

  3. I hate to say it but this entry is a contradiction of previous ones. You seem to be ready (at least in blogosphere terms) to "go gently into that good night." Where is the rage old friend???? You got buried in comments when you opened the question of Israel and the Palestinians. There are endless topics ripe for comment that will piss some of us off and others even more so and comments will fly. We're all still out here, waiting for your intellectual lead. So lead already!! Did my hero, Don Quixote, ever say to Sancho, "Put down my lance and sword -- I'm tired?" Never so! Did my other hero, Cyrano, ever say, "So, a little dirt on my white plume isn't so bad."? Never so!!

    Out here there still be dragons to be slain, monsters to be fought, maidens to be rescued. There is still much to do and fewer and fewer of us to do it. So first we'll have some coffee and cake, then we'll go back to the fight.

  4. My dear Emrys, I suggest you read the blog more closely. Baron did not say he was not going to write the blog anymore, just less often--or when the muse moves him. Many writers have lost their muse for periods of time. And with kudos to Dylan Thomas, Baron also does not plan to go "...gentle into that good night." He did say he plans to be the last WWII vet alive. That will most definitely require taking up the lance ala Quixote. Baron wears a button that says, "I've survived damn near everything?" He assures me that his plan is to continue that battle.

  5. I'm glad I misunderstood. I saw what felt like the beginnings of a "goodbye." I should have know better. I like your button. I'm going to have a slightly paraphrased one made for myself. Mine will say, "I can survive damn near anything."

    Are you going to have a big 90th birthday party?

  6. Dear Emrys, If we are all healthy, of course there will be a BIG 90th birthday party. Maybe not as big as his 80th, but it will be big. Red Baron's wife loves to entertain friends and family. Maybe I'll start the list of invitees tonight.

  7. Baron most likely will have a blast at 90! He's been invited to Hugh Hefner's place for a frolic in a hot tub. He will bring his Viagra bottle with him, just in case someone might need it.

  8. Don't mistake lack of comments to mean lack of readers. Do you realize that a search on Google for "Red Baron" and "home" shows this blog as the #2 hit, even above the original Red Baron himself! That cannot happen without a strong following.

  9. Le Baron Rouge should look past 90 to round triple digits if for no other reason than his baroness is a party person.

  10. I wish that I had something clever to say.

  11. Deaer Rh+,

    I'm in for the 90th. If you feel the need to run a dress rehersal around the 87th or so, I can be one of the witches or carry a spear or something.

    and Baron -- I spoke with Hef and he said all is good except you can't use the grotto. Stronger men than us haven't survived that little piece of real estate . He did say that several of the bunny's boyfriends would be available to escort Rh+ if she gets bored. I thought I'd just mention that in passing.

