Saturday, September 14, 2013

"...but I have miles to go before I sleep." (Robert Frost)

Hi...If there is anyone left who is reading this blog, I have just a couple of things to write about.  I just had published what I'm certain will be my last book.  Buy might become a collector's item one day.  OK don't buy it--it's too much to pay for it anyway.  I'm pretty proud of the fact that I wrote my "Memoirs" in 2007 and since then have published 12 more books consisting of all the blog postings since then.  It may not seem so great, but I believe they will be very interesting historical reading, especially with all the comments attached.  Now this may be the last posting owing to the fact that typing has become a major problem because of the tremors in my hands.  I'm constantly pressing the wrong letters on the keyboard and then having to erase them and stick in the correct letters.  It's just too much frustration.

Nevertheless, I just did complete my attempt at writing a musical for presentation in our theatre in late March.  We have had a musical here for the past 30 years, but this year none was approved by the Board of Directors of Huntington Lakes.  I felt that this was not acceptable so I decided to write one myself.  The concept is that what I wrote is a recreation of a USO concert during WWII.  The cast will take the part of the celebrities who sang at these concerts and the audience will be the military at a boot camp.  What I wrote was accepted by the BOD and I think it will be a hit with those who come to see it and be reminded of the music of WWII.  The title is "43!" (Just as you see it with quote marks and exclamation point).  So much for that; I have launched myself on a new career--composer--sort of like Rogers and Hammerstein. I will write and direct all the musicals.  (Just kidding.  I'm finished with my writing careers).

In March, when this musical goes live for 3 nights, I will have turned 90. I do have two broken hips and a pacemaker; I do use a walker--but in spite of all illnesses I still have my driver's license.   So long, cuzzin Ruthie; so long PB--so sorry to have disturbed you; so long kids; so long to all my former students and to all whoever read and commented on Red Baron's Blog.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netSeptember 14, 2013 at 8:21 PM

    Don't leave us, PLEASE, dear Baron!! And I want a video of the show!!! Cuzzin Ruth

  2. We'll still need short updates on the progress of the show. They also have programs where you can dictate your thoughts instead of typing them.

  3. I will give short updates. And I will email you about the existence of a blog posting. I cannot dictate my thoughts; I must write them. I will also send you the script of my show.

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netSeptember 15, 2013 at 5:08 PM

    It would take a very clever computer to keep up with the Baron's thoughts, Joel!! Baron - as you know, and as I've confirmed by email, I've received the script and I think it's GREAT!!! This comment is just to tell all relatives and friends of the Baron to whom he's sent the script to READ it, no matter what else is pressing in your lives! Cuzzin Ruth

  5. By the way, I've purchased my square foot of land at the museum. I plan to install a fence around my property when I visit.

  6. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netSeptember 18, 2013 at 10:53 PM

    I think you'll find it's against UK planning regulations, Joel! But well done for GETTING INVOLVED, har har! Cousin Ruth

  7. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netOctober 2, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    The poem by Robert Frost that you have quoted, dear Baron, has just been voted Britain's favourite poem, displacing Rudyard Kipling's "If" in that coveted position. The last verse, of which you have made so wonderful a precis, I will quote in full, for the benefit of such of your readers who might not know/remember it:-

    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep
    But I have promises to keep
    And miles to go before I sleep
    And miles to go before I sleep."
    Much love, Cuzzin Ruth

  8. ellin Bliss jaeger class of 1958October 7, 2013 at 8:32 PM

    I refuse to believe this is the end, although I do accept that tremors make it hard to write. I'd love to read the script.
    Will send my address in an e mail.
