Friday, July 20, 2012

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments; love is not love which alters, when it alteration finds."(Sonnet 116)

.....Now I know why I have thus far published 11 books of 432 posts on my blog--not for an ego trip--I'm doing this to preserve them so that when my first great grandchild (expected in September) gets old enough to be interested in the life of his great grandparents he will have some reading to do. Perhaps those to come after him will welcome the same opportunity--or they will all say, "Who cares?"  Either way, my life here in South Florida since I retired will have been documented. That's  quite thoughtful of me, don't you think?  These books may no longer be available in the future on Amazon or on Kimbles (sp?) or elsewhere on the internet,  but at least they exist in my library at home and will eventually be the property of one or more of my "kids" (all over 50+) who will then have them passed on from generation to generation.  Yeah, right.  At some point in the distant future, no one will know where the Baron is buried; well maybe not "buried", but wall-borne.  And it all will have been for nothing.

.....Consider this to be just my musings for the day, and at my age you do a lot of musings.  For example, I'm musing about when my next doctor's appointment is occurring; who the next President will be; when are we going back to the Isle Casino; what's for dinner; will I be physically able to audition for the next resident show next March; when will I be able to have the time to get back to writing my Great American Famous Unknown Novel; why didn't I get the time to see my first grandchild getting married; when will my speakers be hooked up to this computer; who will do it? What will I do for a title to this posting; when will Unca Phil decide to read this blog again; why don't my clothes fit me; what can I do for a snack now? When will BF love me again? As anyone might determine, my musings run the gamut from important to inconsequential.  But, don't miss the point--age catches up to everyone, so it might be wise to write down the musings you might be apt to have at that point, so you will not have to be bothered thinking about them when the time comes.


  1. very nice and varied bunch of musings, lets us know that the mind is still healthy. hopefully after the election "unca Phil" will come back to read and comment.

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJuly 21, 2012 at 8:11 PM

    Yes, yes indeed, Cuzzin Jon, I very much want Unca Phil back too! Baron: I think that I am the person with whom BF should be in love, if only for my impeccable grammar!! And I love ALL your musings, consequential or inconsequential. Cuzzin Ruth
