Thursday, February 25, 2010

"It is the prerogative of great men to have great defects." (La Rochefaucauld)

.....I'm still reading selections from the Bible and I'm up to Samson. But as you can see from the image up here, Noah left a couple of guys off the Ark. Well, actually it was their fault. And as far as Samson is concerned, it was his fault for telling Delilah the source of his strength. She was too nosy anyway, but frailty, thy name is woman.

.....Saw the surgeon, Dr. Luskin, yesterday and after checking out the x-rays, he said everything looks good. I had my last in-house rehab with Penny the physical therapist and now have to make an appointment to start out-patient therapy in a gym where there is the kind of equipment I need until the surgery heals and I can toss away my walker. I have started to use the cane a little bit now, but can't go too far or too fast. Then last night we went to dinner with the Wolfs--Howard was once one of the counselors; now he still lives in Plainview but migrates to Florida in the winter. We went to a new Italian restaurant and I had one of my favorite dishes, shrimp parm. (Can't spell it, but I can eat it).

.....If you've read one of the previous blogs, you'll know that I've been wondering about my greatest accomplishments and failures. I mentioned that I felt the dissolution of my first marriage was my greatest failure, altho' it did last 30 years. I still feel that way, but there was nothing I could do about it probably because I didn't know what to do about it. And perhaps I didn't want to do anything about it. JR feels my non-relationship with the grandkids is my mea culpa, but finds it hard to accept any of my reasons, and from our "discussion" appears to put the blame for it on the grandfather. Oh, well. Can't win 'em all. Whatever happened to Joe Paterno when you need him?

,,,,,Now I've decided that my greatest accomplishment was the writing and publishing of my "Memoirs". There is nothing to match the feeling of having a book you have written actually in your hand. It really doesn't matter to me that not many people have bought it--it sells on "Amazon"--the fact that I've written it can't be taken away from me. Since 2007, I have published six books of this blog. I don't know how many posts I've written, but enough for publishing six books, and another on the way. It seems that I'm birthing babies! What a family. But even one book of my blogs is apparently meaningless.

.....On occasion, Sean (a grandson) who is going after his BA degree in California sends me his papers to proofread and edit. Today he sent me another one having to do with "Ethnology"--whatever that is. In the paper he describes his visit to a mall and goes on to write, in great detail, his experience in a Hollister store. We don't have one here as far as I know, but Sean's description of it is sufficient for me. I feel like I've been in that store after reading his paper. Both Joel and I went over the paper and corrected a few typos and changed some of the sentence structure. I don't know what course he is taking that requires this kind of essay, but it has something to do with "Ethnology". That's a tough one. According to Webster it has to do with the races of human beings, "...their origin, distribution, characteristics, and relations." I have no clue as to what it has to do with a Hollister store, but I'll think about it.


  1. Just to set the record straight, JR never has "put the blame for [the Baron's non-relationship with the grandkids] on the grandfather." In such complex relationships, more than just one person has responsibility for success or failure.

  2. I like when you include pictures. That one was cute - except, as the story goes, those guys were unicorns, so they should have had a horn. Too bad they didn't make it. We could all use a unicorn once in a while.

  3. Mm,yeah,I like to go into a local pub, get all the goss from the landlord, soak up the atmosphere, have jolly chats with the usual suspects. We can call that ethnology! Cuz Ruth
