Thursday, February 4, 2010

I met Mr. Average Man; we exchanged ideas; now my mind is a blank."

....."Doc" Rhoda tells me dancing is one of your favorite activities, so I hope you'll be up and moving your feet again soon...(after broken hip surgery). But whether you're on the ballroom floor or just sitting in a cozy chair, let the dance in your soul, which has inspired so many of us who've been blessed with knowing you, always bring you joy!"
...Love you much D.B.F.

.....And another note I received while rehabbing. This one, a takeoff on Thomas Randolph's poem, "Upon his Picture". Randolph was a 17th Century diplomat and poet, and this paraphrased by a former student....

Where in this Face?.....
The years have made us what we are now,
when every wrinkle tells us where the plow
of time has furrowed; when shorter we grow
and time moves faster and our feet more slow'
Age seals its final freckles on the face.
Look in the mirror now--where's here a trace
in all we are, of Who we were?
The memory's clear, the image is a blur.
Did these dry lips take that first welcome kiss?
Look--cheeks or hair--did he or she love this?
Who are you? we ask each other when
we meet . Please give yourself a name and then
memory restores your face again.
But face present or face past--which lies
when even those we loved wear time's disguise?
Is this a riddle for the mind or eyes?
What shall we believe--mirror or mind?
One of them is blind.
.....With all best wishes for a fast recovery and a new dance. Take care, W.K.

....Don't worry "Doc", you taught us a lot! B.M.

....Rhoda, please send "Doc" my heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery and return to his post to continue regaling us with his wit and wisdom. B.F.

.....When I get letters like these from former students (now in their 50s and 60s!) it lights up my days and my life like candles in my dark distress. They beat Hallmark all to death! What more can I say? I'm thankful that I am home now guzzling diet Sprite, eating dark chocolate, and enjoying RH+s cooking once again. Of course, my hip surgery has not all healed yet, and I am getting physical therapy three times a week in the house. And I like W.Ks poem better than Randolph's. Stay tuned.


  1. Doc, even though I graduated 53 years ago from your world lit and writing classes,you have been looking over my shoulder though you knew it not. Finally, I get the grade I wanted from you. Thanks.

  2. Prof. Higgins,

    I just finished reading thru your Jan - Feb blogs and thorougly enjoyed reading your thoughts interspersed with your humor. Your knowledge and your memory of the quotes from the best and the brightest is fantastic. Keep it up for many more years to come.

    Your Eliza
