.....In case anyone is wondering, this quote is taken from the translation of the Bible by the Jewish Publication Society according to the traditional Hebrew text. And our pal, Noah, who saved a bunch of animals for us--especially the cows who give us milk, and the steers who give us steaks finally had the earth dried on my birthday--well, not actually. That was something that happened way, way back. Noah, at the time was 500 years old. Nevertheless, it appears that he was still very spry having to build the ark all by himself. It's a wonder that it floated, since Noah did not have the technology to guide him as we do. I don't believe we have anyone 500 years old today; perhaps a hundred something. And tomorrow I'll be on my way, and I would like to live to 500 so I can be around when the health reform bill is passed.
.....Now that I'm going to be 86 tomorrow, I've been thinking about that "old gang of mine". I wonder how many of them still harbor some life. There's Leo Hartman, who lives in Boca. He and I were both in love with red-headed Terry Green, but we think she loved Al Oransky, now known as Al Oran. Al used to sell jewelry and married a girl named Shana. He lives in King's Point. One of my best friends was Bernie Lerner--he was in the Army Air Corps and flew in B17s over Germany. At one time I was a guest on his plane and after a bombing run over Berlin we were lucky to get back alive! After the war, Bernie was just hanging around so I put the pressure on him and finally got him to go to college--which he did, and graduated from City College with honors. I still feel good about what I did for him. Another friend whom I urged to go to college was Ernie Greenwald whose father was a rabbi. I believe both friends have passed on. These guys were all part of my gang in the South Bronx, sometimes known as Fort Apache. Our gang was called the Apaches. Then, there was Jack Richman, Billy Lerner, Morris Appel, and Normie Davidson. I do not know how they have fared; and there are several names that I cannot remember, but I'm certain they will come to me. We were all close knit; we all could dance the "Lindy Hop"; we all could play stickball. Wherever they are, I wish them well.
I'm only interested in reaching a former classmate known as "Easy Shirley"? Where are you, Easy Shirley?