.....and lo, it came to pass that Jacob lay with Sonny and thence came Michael, Morris, and Jean, and it came to pass that Michael lay with Shirley, and the Lord blest Michael with Norman and Elizabeth, and it came to pass that the Lord did also blest Norman, the best and wisest of men, and therefore the Lord caused him to lie with Tobby, the blessest of women who became blest with two sons and two daughters, named Robin, Joel, Bobby and Bonny, and it came to pass that Joel cried out to the Lord, “Wherefore hast thou blesteth my father, Norman, and my grandfather, Jacob, and not I?” And the Lord replied “Whyfore asketh me such a question? Know ye not that thy father hast his father, Jacob’s seed, and that thy father is the best and wisest of men, and ye have not yet all thy teeth?” And it came to pass that Joel was sore distressed and therefore struck his brother, Bobby. And it came to pass that Bobby cried out to his brother, "Wherefore striketh thou me?" And lo his brother replied, "Because thou art there." And it came to pass that Bobby cried out to his father, Norman, “My brother, Joel, has strucketh me, and I am sore all over.” And therefore the Lord came to Robin, the most blesseth of women and said, “Comfort thy brethren and sister who loveth animals, and say to them that they have the seed of their parents, and when they have grown more wiseness and teeth that they will be blest with Adam, and Sean, and Hannah, and Katrina who will be blest with the seed of their grandfather, and will not joy in it for many, many years until they sorrow over not knowing their grandfather’s house where also liveth Rhoda, the most blessedeth and wisest of women who loveth all eight of her wisest husband’s progeny. And the Lord said it was good and blest the second month and the 27th day. And on that day
Saturday, February 27, 2010
GENESIS, CH.2010 Vs. 2:27
Friday, February 26, 2010
"I am wealthy in my friends" (Shakespeare)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
"It is the prerogative of great men to have great defects." (La Rochefaucauld)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"I can believe anything provided it is incredible." (Wilde)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
"And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe..." (AYLI)
Monday, February 22, 2010
"Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." (Alexander Pope)
I understand from Buster that you had a health issue
recently relating to some wild dancing you were doing
on a cruise. Hope you have mended by now. Rem-
ember to warm up before doing the jitterbug! Your
influence as a teacher, has served me over the years
in my writing and currently in my teaching. I won’t go
into details here, but suffice to say that the greatest
reward one can receive is to influence young minds
toward a positive and creative direction. That you’ve
done in my case and deserve to know it. I am sure
I am not the only one. Keep well, John
…..What is there in life that can best receiving indications
That one’s students have been influenced in a truly positive
way from one’s teaching? The amazing part of this is that
John, along with his peers, is now nearing 70—or has already
Attained that age and still remembers a teacher. I can only
Remember Mr. Chambers, my swimming coach and I can’t
Really recall much about him except getting thrown into the
pool. Great teaching has always been associated with person-
ality—a personality that is capable of interpreting living
realities—of opening new avenues of light and understanding—
and of assisting his students to use their own powers to the
fullest degree.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
"The weight of this sad time we must obey." (King Lear)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Oh Brave New World!" IV (The Tempest) continued...
….…I am obliged to respond to son Joel’s comment on the “biblical” blog I wrote yesterday. It might be more understandable if one reads that before my response which follows.
Friday, February 19, 2010
"Oh Brave New World!" III (The Tempest)
.....I have had an email from a reader who wants to know whether or not I'm reading the King James version of the Bible. The answer is a big NO.