Monday, November 2, 2009

"How poor are they that have not patience....

.....The state of Florida has vanity plates as ubiquitous as fish in the sea, or seniors in West Palm Beach. Today as I was driving along from the cardiologist to the post office, I saw a Florida license plate containing a flag and the words, "United We Stand". I don't know if this refers to the state of Florida or the states of America. If America (or even Florida) "we" are about as united as are salt and pepper shakers. In Congress we have regular Democrats, conservative Democrats, and liberal Democrats, all pulling in divergent directions with different views as to how a health reform bill should read. And in that Congress, we also have the regular cacophonous Republicans, and.....Well, that's about it for them. I doubt there exists a liberal Republican, which would be a major oxymoron. Then there is a section of our population which stand "united" only in wringing their hands and claiming that they want their country back--as if it belongs to them summarily, and not one acre to the 50 or so million who voted for Obama. Then there is White America who are fearful that Black America or Latin America will run the country leaving them behind. And Black and Latin America fearful of being left behind by White America. Of course, Jewish America couldn't give a shit having always been left behind.
.....I could go on with the many divergent forces pulling on our newly elected (and smart) president (according to Michael Moore) to pass a health bill with a "public option" or not; or to send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan--or not; or to bring all the troops home from Iraq--or not; or to take out the garbage--or not; or to buy the kids cell phones, or not, or to walk the dog at 1am, or not. What Baron is saying, and what I am thinking, is that America does not stand united at all in giving Obama, in his first year, a chance to make and see his own decisions come to fruition, and either to fail or to succeed; then taking thoughtful cognizance of that, vote him and his party in once more--or out.
.....What wound did ever heal, but by degrees?" (Othello)


  1. But America IS united. People of every political stripe (including polecats) are unanimous in respecting the Baron's opinions, whether they agree with him or not. That is the most important aspect of unity.

  2. Just discovered, from the mouth of the horse, that the illustrious Sun-Sentinel wants to print THIS post (above) and NOT the Nov. 3rd.

    However, good news. The Nov. 3rd column will be published in two months (or so) so that Flah-duh readers will not be deprived of that gem of wisdom.

  3. The horse himself told me that THIS column (Nov. 2nd) will be published in America's foremost newspaper, the Sun-Sentinel.

    The Nov. 3rd column should appear in two months, more or less.

    A small note with regard to "How poor are they that have not patience". South Floriduh has more patients than any location of similar size. When we visited the area, every other person was either going to the doctor or coming from same. And the "other people" (as in every other) were working in a doctor's office or in a hospital.

    Ponce de Leon believed Florida to be the Fountain of Youth. Right now it appears to be The Lakes of Age. Nevertheless,it is host to the finest collection of sages south of the Elysian Fields.

  4. Chris Christie defeated Jon Corzine in the New Jersey gubernatorial race. The president was unstinting in his praise of Corzine and visited the state to support him.

  5. .....The Baron does not want his wonderful conservative friend to be commenring on this blog all by himself. And, as a footnote, this blog was published in the paper under my by line.

  6. An after thought: Liberal Republicans, how could you forget Jake Javits (tho Wikepedia describes him as "moderate") and the newly Democratic Arlen Spector from my own state of PA.......
