.....In the paper I read today the Republicans in the Senate said about the health care bill that there would be a "long fierce battle" before some version, at least, is on the President's desk. Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said, "It's going to be a holy war!" Is there anyone out there who can give me an explanation as to why the Republican party is so adamant about health care reform? No president, not even Clinton has been able to get past the Republican wall that they have erected to prevent health care reform. "A holy war"? What is this--the Middle Ages? This party has not even tried to present a version of health care reform of their own; just sitting on their butts and complaining about the cost and the budget deficit. There was no deficit in the Clinton admistration. They've done nothing, except for their party getting us into a war costing not only billions of dollars, but also thousands of lives. Health care is supposed to save lives, but they don't seem to care about doing something about that.
.....I don't know if it's their plan to bring down this president or that they have some other motive. I find it beyond the pale of understanding. I am depressed at the idea that our government is so divided that nothing can be done to move this country ahead. Help me out. Give me a reason why Hatch wants a "holy war". President Obama, with the weight of all the problems of this country on his shoulders, promised to reform health care in our country, and he is trying his damndest to see that his promise is kept.
.....A couple of years ago, I bought a Sun Pass for $25 that would allow me to go through the toll gates of the Florida Tpke. without stopping to pay for the toll. Now, the Dep't of Transportation is selling a Sun Pass for $5 and then they put $5 into your account so that the pass winds up costing nothing. I wrote to the Sun Pass people and complained about this practice seeming to be unfair. Their response was that they wanted all Floridians to be able to afford the Sun Pass. Now, how does this practice differ from the idea of Obama's desire to see that all Americans are able to afford health care insurance? Sure is a strange world, and now I'm too old to comprehend it.
.....Oh, well, let's get to another topic. I've been attending a theatre workshop class in our clubhouse every Thursday. The work we do there is quite elemental, but it's fun...the people are funny, and it's something else to do besides writing blogs. During the "season" the group puts on a "show case" in the ballroom once a month. They present a few skits and even some improvs. Since they also provide refreshments, a lot of people attend. The next one is December 4th and a ticket is not required. I told our leader that I would prefer not to perform, but that I would be willing to direct one of the skits. Directing is interesting and challenging. After directing the Pirates of Penzance and My Fair Lady, directing a three page skit is no problem. The thespians do not have to memorize their roles because they do have copies of the skit to read while they perform. This is common practice far off, off, Broadway.
.....Oh, well, let's get to another topic. I've been attending a theatre workshop class in our clubhouse every Thursday. The work we do there is quite elemental, but it's fun...the people are funny, and it's something else to do besides writing blogs. During the "season" the group puts on a "show case" in the ballroom once a month. They present a few skits and even some improvs. Since they also provide refreshments, a lot of people attend. The next one is December 4th and a ticket is not required. I told our leader that I would prefer not to perform, but that I would be willing to direct one of the skits. Directing is interesting and challenging. After directing the Pirates of Penzance and My Fair Lady, directing a three page skit is no problem. The thespians do not have to memorize their roles because they do have copies of the skit to read while they perform. This is common practice far off, off, Broadway.
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