.....My son, Joel, was able to provide a link for everyone that would get them to an online page of my article in the Sun-Sentinel. I checked it out, but it did not have the pizzazz of the one on the editorial page of the paper. Some hysterical, egocentric readers wrote comments that were not quite appreciative of what I wrote. Their excruciating excoriations were like excrement ejaculated from small minds. I reread my article and could not find anything that would make these natives so restless that they had to chuck their rifle into the truck and head to the nearest bar in order to exorcise their hostility. At any rate, I was gratified to know that the editors have published the posts on my blog:"Liberalism", "Heroism", "Bad Dog", and "Ennui" besides this one on "Unity"--but this one differed from the rest because it was published with a byline which, to a famous unknown author like me, is Nirvana.
.....The melanoma surgery I had done on June 15 is about 99% healed, but doc still wants it wrapped. It's been almost six months since that abominable event, but I'm thankful that the "summer from hell" (as RH+ likes to call it) is over and the comforting winds of fall and winter come with the powers of healing and the cooling of pain. Pain, by no means, is covering the wound in my leg now, and I'm grateful for that relief. I don't know if I could have survived without the care giving of Rh+ On December 31, 1977, there was a rainbow over my lonely home, and at the end of it, sure enough, I found the gold--and she is just now making our dinner of franks and beans
I apologize for the divagations of this blog, because a discussion of my newspaper experience and my surgery experience are necessarily divergent--for I won't know what else to say--or write. So, not wanting this post to be inchoate, I'll let others write. The following are comments on the article I had in the Sun-Sentinel; in case you missed it, try Nov.2. (The comments should be read from the bottom up in order to be read in the sequence they were written) I have published my praises in previous blogs, and I guess it's only fair to publish the following. It is the great tree that attracts the wind!
America's as united as oil is with vinegar
Witnesser, you claim this paragraph is some sort of humor. It must be in eyes of the reader because I see no humor here at all. I see a person who uses stereotypical images based on race and ethnicity to divide the country while claiming to be doing exactly the opposite. It's been in the Democratic Party strategy book for decades. Put the paragraph in context. "Then there is white America, which is fearful that black America or Hispanic America will run the country, leaving them behind; and black and Hispanic America, fearful of being left behind by white America. Of course, Jewish America couldn't care less, having always been left behind, and so retire to Florida. "United we stand?" I think not."
Max-42 (11/07/2009, 8:55 AM )
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Hey dipstick! (Urban Dictionary) I think you know full well that each word was exactly as intended! Why is it that when you simpletons can%u2019t support your argument you resort to grading papers? That said, just keep on trolling the boards with your spell checker, but please refrain from voting. Now carry on looking for all those passive voices and dangling participles!
Dale45 (11/07/2009, 7:21 AM )
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By "there's", I think you meant "there're". By "dam", I think you meant "damn." By "BUSHES", I think you meant "Bush's." By "unprecedented", I think you meant "not since Bush's reign." Or, perhaps you would have written "Bushes rain." By 'simpletons", I think you meant "people who are smarter than I am."
Witnesser (11/06/2009, 5:03 PM )
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The old Witnesser he likes what he sees, unfortunately it%u2019s not the forest because there%u2019s too many dam trees! You gotta love these partisan simpletons. They%u2019re suckered by the community organizer, and then sit idly by while holding hands and singing Kumbaya as he sends the country into the abyss of total destruction! Then they reach for the %u201CGOOD WEED%u201D and proclaim, IT%u201DS ALL BUSHES FAULT! Is there something you don%u2019t understand about debt, the economy, unemployment, and the attempted ruination of the best health care system the world has ever seen? This guy has unprecedented majorities in the House and Senate and still can%u2019t get anything done, because his own narrow-minded party doesn%u2019t even trust him! After 9 months in office, this guy makes Bush look like an economic rocket scientist as well as a political Einstein! If you want to know what the long term effects of an extended OBAMANATION administration would look like, you need look no further than Detroit, New Orleans, or the city of Washington DC! HELLO!
Dale45 (11/06/2009, 3:39 PM )
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The negative and personal attacks by some of the comments below just serve to prove Mr. Ross' points. He asks that we give the new president a chance to show what he can do, and their response is to use racial slurs and unfounded accusations instead. Does HMiddleAmerica and those who have blessed his comments have enough intellectual capacity to know what a communist is? When he refers to "our country" that "we" having been building for hundreds of years -- is he excluding African-Americans? A conservative in the White House has already been given 8 years to show what he can do. How did that work out, fellas? Finally, the comment about the Jews was a joke, using stereotypical irony. You guys are so wrapped up in whining and attacking that you've even lost whatever sense of humor you might have had. The only thing I can agree with you guys is that, yes, we can see Norman coming from a mile (or more) away: And I, along with a large majority of Americans (as proven by the last election) like what they see. Live with it.
Witnesser (11/06/2009, 10:47 AM )
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If the President has Mr. "HeyMiddleAmerica" (comment below) in such a frenzy, he must be doing something right. "the chosen negro"?? You'd tell us what you really mean to say, Mr. "HeyMiddleAmerica", but then we'd have to report the comment, wouldn't we? Please crawl back into the hole that you crawled out of.
ingrid.johanson (11/05/2009, 5:59 PM )
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If Mr. Ross is trying to convince us that he is intellectually above all the daily partisanship, he failed miserably. His message is obviously liberal left, right down to identifying Jews as the ultimate victims in America. As BPCF said, Norman, we can see you coming a mile away.
Max-42 (11/05/2009, 12:15 PM )
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A very scary letter! Norman Ross sees Obama as Bambi, Gandhi, and the Dali Lama all rolled up into one. He thinks we should all be sitting cross-legged and singing Kum-By-Ya as the benevolent Chairman Obama cares of us children.Norman, and the wacko left, wants us to unify behind our President -- that's because this President is selling with their socialist liberal agenda. Put a conservative in the White House and watch how fast they change their tune. "Selected, not elected", "mass murderer", "change".Norman you are sooooooo transparent and we see you coming a mile away!
BPCF (11/05/2009, 9:22 AM )
You might not have noticed, but one comment was so over the line that the Sun-Sentinel removed it. I think that once you move out of your circle of friends and family (which includes both liberals and conservatives with intellectual capacities to be civil and thoughtful) into the "outside" world, you'll find that there are a lot of folks out there who are very angry with the world and do *not* have the sophistication or intelligence to get their point across without dirtying it with the excrement they already have on their hands. I hope the Baron does not immortalize those comments in the next Condoland book.
ReplyDeleteNorman - your fellow-Americans sound like the most intemperate and uncultivated people I've ever encountered, and I've encountered all sorts, including people who lived in mud-huts in Zimbabwe.