I...This morning I read Cal Thomas's column in the Sun-Sentinel. Now Thomas is so far to the right, that if he was on a map he'd be in the Atlantic Ocean, and hopefully without a life vest. But today I was in total agreement with his views on the Islamic world, so I'll rent him a life vest. He wrote that Obama, during his trip to Turkey, had said that we are not at war with Islam, but Thomas wonders if Islamic extremism is at war with the West. He says, "What if Islamic extremism is at war with America, Europe, and Israel and everyone who stands in the way of its attempt at supremacy in religion and politics?" Good question. In some Muslim media, Thomas says, and in textbooks read by Middle Eastern school children, and even in some Islamic schools here in America--and in recruitment films that urge "jihad"--that it certainly appears the extremists are at war with Judaism and Christianity and even some of those Muslims who accept and practice the extremist's view of "hell on earth" for all who disagree with them. Infidels.
...To tell the truth, I don't understand some of the "fatwas" issued by the Mullahs, one of which called for the assassination of the author Simon Rushdie because they and their many followers did not like his book and he had to go into hiding in England. Another fatwa forbid married couples from seeing each other naked. It stated that "...being completely naked annuls the marriage." Another fatwa forbid a man and a woman from working together--unless the woman breast feeds the man for five days."! I have no clue as to what the menu would be. Another fatwa actually forbids polio shots! I suppose now, that a fatwa will be issued against me. However, Rhoda would never allow anyone to touch me or to breast feed me or to look at my genitals. Taking these things into consideration--all of which are for the sake of Islam, what kind of religion condones such things? In addition, the world has to contend with hamas, hezbollah, and al-Quida whose principle aim is to destroy the state of Israel. Of course this cannot be accomplished if these groups continue the practice of having young men and women blow themselves to smithereens in order to kill as many infidels as possible.
Be careful -- some followers of this religion might try to harm you and show you no mercy because you do not agree with their contention that theirs is a religion of peace and mercy. And the followers that decide not to hurt you will not speak out against such actions. I am going to be "Anonymous" here because a lot of this religion's followers like to come to the West because of its freedom of speech, but they will stone you if your words (or cartoons) are contrary to what they believe. For anyone who thinks my words are bigoted, I'm happy to have you cite examples that prove me wrong (you have the right to do so without retribution).