Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all" (Henry VI)

...The economy is now at my door. Besides the fact that I've maxed out my credit cards, I just had a $1000+ bill for repairs on my car at Firestone. Then I had to buy new hub caps. I only wanted two, but they came in packages of four. Anybody need hub caps? The life insurance policy I have for Rhoda just upped the premium by $950. The premium for our appliance protection is shortly due for over $300; I had to make a down payment of $900 toward our cruise in December, and North Shore HS just billed me $2.40 for what I owe on health insurance. I am going to write to Obama and request some of that bail out money which if I don't get, I guess I'll have to go back to work. Yes, but what kind of work can I do? Ah, there's the rub...I'm unemployed so I suppose I can apply for unemployment insurance. Everybody else is doing it. Perhaps I'll go down to the agency tomorrow. There's always the opportunity to stand at the entrance to the toll booths at the Turnpike with a cardboard sign reading, "Will write letters for you for food." If there is no other alternative, there's always the military. I could rejoin the Navy. I have a lot of experience. And then there's the theatre. I'm pretty good as Tevye; I still have the voice and I remember the lyrics to "If I Was a Rich Man," and my daughter Sprintze lives in my house. I think I'm the only one in the world besides Robert Preston who can remember the words of "Trouble" from "Music Man." If you don't believe me, try it.

...Besides trying to keep the wolf from my door, I have to deal with people who don't know how to read. I was informed today that some person with a possible inferiority complex read my blog to the cast at the post show "in-house" party. The blog expressed disappointment at not being invited by anyone to that party. My feelings about it somehow were interpreted and twisted as denigrating the performers and the show. This interpretation is about as far from the truth as the earth is from the sun. I'm not that kind of person. Never, never would I put anyone down as I was painted to have done. Read my private diary to a room filled with people? And my blog is a kind of diary. What a sorry thing to do.

I just got an e-mail from my "cuzzin" in London. She's a very, very bright lady! Here's a smidgen of what she wrote:

... If the party was populated by people who say things like "all productions are not liked by all" when what they mean and should be saying is "not all productions are liked by all," then this confirms my view that it must have been a dismal party.

...and another from Billy who helped with making the set:

I was not at the cast party. I was not invited. There are some, who in my presence, attempted to defame you. They will never again, in my presence, say anything negative about you.

...and finally, finally--from Phil B. Boy is he smart. Columbia grad.

"who flogged so much skin from my body that Walgreens had no band aid big enough to cover me, who tore the pacemaker away from out my heart so violently that my A-Fib returned and who caused me no end of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."

Doc Ross There is a lesson to be learned here. Female dogs bark, jackasses bray, and we ignore them. Why then do we respond to so-called human incarnations of these dumb animals?Let us resolve not to be affected by such creatures and to let them wallow in their own bitter stew while we continue to enjoy our lives.

...OK I rest my case. Now we'll just have to wait on the jury.

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