...Just returned from a date with RH+. A show and dinner. We went to the Maltz Theatre in Jupiter--formerly the Burt Reynolds Theatre and saw "Evita". God, I love that show. I love everything Andrew Lloyd Webber ever wrote. I cannot comprehend how one man could produce such splendid musicals as he has. Anyway, the show was riveting. The performers who play Che and Evita were talented beyond belief. Speaking of belief, I don't believe that Shakespeare was human. There, I've said it. I've been thinking about him lately and I'm absolutely convinced that he was not human. He must have been some kind of mutation. No one could possibly write so many plays as he did; produce over one hundred characters; and possess a vocabulary off the charts. There is only one answer for him; he had to have been touched by some divinity. No one like Shakespeare has appeared either before him or after him--and no one ever will. (No pun intended). There is, therefore, no point in suggesting that some other guy wrote the plays; it never happened.
...I have a veritable Gordian Knot to deal with at present with not much understanding of how to unravel it. I had previously stated in one of my posts--I don't remember which one--that I never want to fly anymore. And I went on to explain why. My reasons were very personal ones based on previous experiences with flying. However, in the mail yesterday I received an offer from the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas that is very difficult to refuse. They offer us three nights in a luxury suite, $100 in free play, and a $75 food voucher. My only responsibility would be the air fare, and I have no intention of driving there and back. Another valid reason for breaking my vow not to fly is that it has been a few years since I last saw my cousin Eddie who lives in Las Vegas. Actually we are more like brothers than we are like cousins. Eddie was the drummer with the Kirby Stone Four, who in their time were very popular; the group "opened" Caesar's Palace. I don't remember the year, but I believe that Siegfried and Roy's act included a Tyrannosaurus Rex and perhaps a Woolly Mammoth. At the moment I don't know if I'll take advantage of the offer; I'm waiting to hear a word from Eddie. Stay tuned.
...My good neighbors, Billy and Beverly Berger (the three B's) left for San Diego today to visit their son for a couple of weeks. I had asked Robin to find out if the USS Higgins would be in port this month, and as it turned out to be so, she called the Captain and asked if my friends could have a tour of the ship (a guided missile destroyer just back from Iraq.) Commander Meusal was kind enough to call Billy and said that he would personally give him an hour and a half tour; and rather than have Billy drive to the port, the Commander said that he would send a car to pick up the Bergers, their son and his friend at the hotel and bring them to the ship on Wednesday for their tour. What an experience are they in for! Can't wait for their reaction. Perhaps I'll publish it here.
Anyone who defends the Baron in public from scurrilous remarks deserves such treatment.
ReplyDeleteOf course Joel is referring to Billy Berger who said he'd defend the Baron from anyone who attempts to make a scurrilous remark about me.