Wednesday, May 11, 2011

".....there shall be no more crying...neither shall there be any more pain." (The Bible)

.....Well, I took my oxycodone and it doesn't appear to be doing much good.  I still have pain emanating from a sore just behind my left heel. It's the size of a dime. Whenever it comes into contact with anything--like a thumb or the floor, you can hear my hollerin' from here to Tripoli.  I hope it does them some good; at least more than it does me.  Then, of course, there's the problem with the hip surgery.  It's been two months now since then and I still have pain in the pelvis when I try to use the walker.  Today we have an appointment at the wound center, and perhaps they have some solutions to these problems.  I don't intend to spend the rest of my life in pain.  Actually, I have no idea how I will spend the rest of my life.  Perhaps one of my former students has a plan--or Phil or Ruth or Emry or Anonymous or Ellin, or anyone else who reads this journal.  It might be that 10 aspirin is the answer to my affliction and can alleviate my sufferance.  I don't believe that I deserve this torment, but who can say that anyone deserves anything?  

.....I can now understand when a student comes in, confronts me, and claims that his essay does not deserve a C-.  That's a pretty flunky grade and he insists that his paper rates a C.  Well, that seems to solve the torment he experiences but what about me?  I think the paper deserves an F or something worse, and I tell him so--and I tell him to go home and rework it.  That solves the problem for both of us.  He gets another chance and I'm off the hook.

.....Just got back from the wound care center and the doctor thinks the sore looks infected, so he has the nurse x-ray it and has me give blood.  I have no idea what these two procedures will prove.  And not only that, but he prescribes an anti-biotic pill after which I have to drink 8 ounces of water and continue to drink water throughout the day!  Problem is, I'm not a water drinker, and if I do what is prescribed, I'll have to remain by the bathroom door.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMay 11, 2011 at 11:02 PM

    Poor you, dear Cuzzin! Indeed, how I wish there were sometthing I could do about your pain, and also that I had some idea of why our loved ones are put through all that suffering. However, if it's any comfort, it does sound to me as though it's early days for your recovery, and that you might very well see plenty of improvement yet. You have an infection, that's for sure: an antibiotic will do for that. If maximum hydration is requisite for your general health while you are taking this antibiotic, then you will have to bear with frequent visits to the gents, pro tem. Unless you want to keep a traditional English receptacle (chamber pot) by you at all times. This isn't quite the joke it sounds - if you are fully hydrated, your water will be very weak and inoffensive. Painkillers: yell at your doctors until they come up with one that does the job for YOU. People vary in their response to different ones, just like with antidepressants.

    I see from your heading that you have read to the end of the New Testament, since you quote from the last book, the Apocaplypse or Revelation. Ancient Greek: apo=from, kaluptein=to hide: so, from hidden, or a revelation.

    Thinking of and praying for you, Cuzzin Ruth

  2. Doc, objectively, you are in better shape than you were two weeks ago. The pain is certainly less, and you are able to navigate better.

    Therefore, you can look forward to further improvement in your condition, and that is good.

    Drinking water is good for you even if the consequences are somewhat uncomfortable. As Aristotle said, it is vital to find the Golden Mean.

    There is a wealth of medical information available online. Please use these resources to check up on your doctor. Remember, you are a doctor also.

    Meanwhile, treasure each day which is a good thing to do when you are 25 as well as your present age of 45.

  3. Our hearts and prayers are with you always. My intuition tells me that your courage will enable you to overcome the pain and to lead a better life. From my words to God's ears!

  4. Ellin Bliss Jaeger (North Shore '58)May 16, 2011 at 8:17 AM

    Sorry, I've been out of town (NJ/NYC) for a few days. I fervently hope that the new treatment is helping some (I have confidence in would clinics and hope you will suffer the massive doses of water for a better outcome of the infection and pain!)
    Thinking of you and hoping for another comment soon. Much love to RH+.
