Monday, May 23, 2011

"The knight of the doleful countenance." Man of La Mancha

.....An update on my "condition": First of all, I believe that I have neglected to mention the ulcerated sore I have on my left heel.  This sore is painful and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  I've had to deal with it for five or six weeks now.  So, what with that problem and the problem I"m having with my left leg which produces pain in the pelvis whenever I try to take a step. I feel that I have been in a Royal Battle.  In the least, the pain I have might be alleviated if the Queen knighted me; Sir Baron d'Ross knighted to honor all the Ross clan in Scotland from whence Sir Baron emanated. In addition, Baron was reminded of how his Sopwith Camel plane outdueled the Fokkers.  So what's a little hip fracture compared with that?  Eh?

.....The renovation of our place is complete now and very beautiful.  All the floors are created with wood, except for the master bedroom. RH+ did not want wooden floors in there in case she got up at night and put her feet on the cold wooden that's where we still have carpeting.  So that the Baroness would not get cold feet in the event she got up at night to go to the bathroom, we still have carpeting in there.  Our pantry has been remodeled and we now have tile on the terrace.  Finally got rid of that awful green covering.  Of course, all of this cost us a pretty penny, and along with the $6000 bill we got from Whitehall, I may really have to go back to a casino where I will be very careful in all my movements.  I refuse to stand by the entrance to the turnpike with a cardboard sign saying, I will work for food.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMay 23, 2011 at 5:32 PM

    Dear Cuzzin - interior decor does not interest me all that much BUT I am really worried about the sore on your heel. I think it's time you shouted at your doctor about this. If you let it drag on, you will end up needing a skin graft! Thinking of you, Cuzzin Ruth xxx

  2. The Baroness (AKA RH+)May 26, 2011 at 9:08 PM

    Dear Cuz Ruth, The doctor has suggested that our Beloved Baron go to a facility (near our home) for pure oxygen treatments 5x a week, but our dear Baron will not do that. The circulation in his legs is very poor and these treatments will help to heal the sore quickly. I don't think the doctor needs to be shouted at,but I think our dearly beloved Baron does need a dose of shouting. If he doesn't follow up on this treatment, which will be paid in full by our medical insurance, he could possibly lose a leg. Baron doesn't want to realize what a very serious problem he has. Everyone get into the game plan and start shouting. He won't listen to me.

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netMay 27, 2011 at 8:30 PM

    One summer evening, Moishe Cohen and his wife are having a wander around the leafy suburb in which they live. Suddenly, Moishe staggers and falls! He's having a heart attack!! Fortunately, his family doctor is passing in his car, sees what's happening, parks up, and starts resuscitation procedures on Moishe. After about 20 minutes, he says: "Mrs Cohen, I'm sorry, I've done all I can, but unhappily Moishe is dead!" Moishe lifts his head weakly from the pavement,* and says: "no, no, I'm not dead! "Sha, Moishe," says his wife, "Listen to the doctor!"


