Sunday, March 29, 2009

"When trouble comes in battalions." (Hamlet)

...Things are not going too well at this point. Rhoda was supposed to take off from Newark on Jet Blue at 5:25 arriving at West Palm at 8:17. However, her flight has been delayed and her arrival time is now 11:20.,,so at this point the flight is three hours late. Rho called me from the plane which is sitting on the runway, but not ready to take off--apparently because it has to be loaded with provisions, snacks, drinks and what-not sufficient for the flight back to Newark. I don't feel comfortable driving at that hour alone. If I were younger, it wouldn't be a problem. I called a neighbor to see if he would come with me, but I had to leave a message. I know I should get someone before this post is finished.

...The other problem was my dinner. I thought that spaghetti with butter would be satisfactory, but it wasn't. I used too much of it, and when I drained it, some of it stuck together. I ate most of it, but it wasn't pleasant--besides my partial came out and I had to do something to fix it so it would stay on. It has been difficult because the teeth it was anchored to came off. It will take some time, but the dental clinic at the VA Medical Center will eventually take care of it. Meanwhile, some good has come out of this culinary carnival--I lost five pounds. Well then, perhaps this is a good thing; if the partial is never fixed Ill lose more pounds until I get skinny. This is like a mushy diet; I could write a book and suggest to people who have partials to dump them and just eat jello, oatmeal, apple sauce, spaghetti, wonton soup, and Dunkin Doughnuts. I'm sure such a book would go to the top of the charts.

...So, just forget about the problems--I had some fun with Marilyn. I e-mailed her and asked her to tell me how to make a bed. She wrote back that I should fit a sheet on it and then throw a blanket over it. Then I asked her what I should do with the pillows. She wrote that I should fluff them up and put them at the head of the bed. OK, so now I will ask her to tell me how to wash the dark things because Rho always separated the dark things from everything else before she put them in the wash. I am sure Marilyn will know what to do. In order to keep these academic lessons going I might even ask her how to put the toilet paper on the holder. That's a tough one.

Now, I've learned that Rhoda's flight will not arrive at West Palm until 12:20am., so it's 4 hours late up until now. I called Mike to ask if he'd like a midnight ride, but he has a stress test tomorrow so he can't help. I called Billy but he's not home. Maybe they went to a movie. Perhaps I'll call Gary a little later. I called Jet Blue to find out if the plane has taken off, but the agent said it' s taxiing. Baloney. Well, I just made myself a pretzel and I finished a bottle of diet Coke. The plane finally took off at 9:24 and due to arrive at 12:24. Billy called me back and he offered to drive. Well, that's what friends are for. I would do the same for him in a microsecond. Anyway, to tell the truth even I wouldn't want to get into a car with an 85 year old guy at the wheel. Safety first.

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