...My good friend and neighbor is a computer instructor and he has started to write a book about computers and the questions that neophytes ask that need clear answers. From what I could tell from the first few pages he sent to me Bill is the one who can supply them. Problem is that he apparently has stopped writing. That is sinful. As I have iterated before, a talent that lies dormant is a negation of life. Bill must just sit down on the computer, open the document, and start writing whatever comes into his head--as I'm doing right now. I told him he must write, write, write, and then edit, edit, edit. Writing a book is fun and rewarding. Trust me.
See...just now something came into my head for no apparent reason, and I'm just typing the words. Rhoda and I have been talking about writing our wills, but so far we've done nothing about it. I suppose a good idea would be to sit down and decide what you are going to leave to everybody. At least I think that's what wills are for. Besides, perhaps some money, there are other things in my own possession that I do not know what to leave to whom. Now my children--not my grandchildren, have a pretty good idea about what I have lying around the house. I think I would like to have them send me an e-mail about what they want so that I know where to start in this will thing which is a pain in the butt. (You see, I didn't know I was going to write the previous sentence; it just popped out of my head). One day in the future they will inherit this apartment. When that will happen, I can't say. What they will do with it is another story--probably sell it and split the cash. I have several medals I don't know what to do with; I have a frame on the wall with all the medals except the Distinguished Flying Cross which I didn't have when I put up the frame; I have a coin collection which is worth something; I have some gold bullion coins--each one worth whatever it says on the market; right now each is worth $921. I have a collection of books that I've had published; one of my "Memoirs" is 81/2 x 10 in hard cover and full color; another of the same dimension in paper back; I have about 2-3 copies of my "Memoirs" and the same for all the "Pater Noster" books. What the kids will do about those I don't know. Then, of course, are the clothes I have in my closet. Probably it would be best to donate them to charity in my will. I also have a record collection. They are 45s or 38s--Neanderthals! Then there is the "Norman Ross Revocable Trust" which becomes irrevocable when I die. I don't remember exactly what's in that document. But I do remember what's to be done with the condo is discussed. Anyway, a will is an important document and it needs to get done ASAP.
I want one of the new toilet seats. I've heard that they are very nice.
ReplyDeleteJoel, I'll be glad to tell you where you can buy your own toilet seat so that you too can be happy.