...Billy and I picked Rho up at the airport when her plane finally arrived from Newark at 12:24. I am indebted to him because I did not want to drive at that hour alone because I don't trust myself. We took his car, and so he drove. I told him I certainly wouldn't want to get in a car with an 85 year-old at the wheel at night. Funny. When I was ten, I thought 40 was old; when I was 20, I thought 50 was old; when I was 30, I thought 60 was old; when I was 40, I thought 70 was old; at 50, I thought 80 was old. Now that I'm 85, I think 90 is old. If I get there, I'm sure I'll think 100 is old. That way, I think, I'll never, ever get old. "Cogito ergo sum"--I think, therefore I am, as Descarte would say.
...I wonder how many 80+ year-olds there are who have written as much as I have. I've published one autobiography--my memoirs; four books of my blogs; and a book of poetry, and now working on Volume five of my "Pater Noster in Condoland". As I have said prior to this, I hope these books will be preserved after my demise down through the years so that my descendant grandchildren will have the benefit of knowing how their great, great, great++ grandparents lived, and learn a bit, also, about WWII which will be as distant a memory to them as the Revolutionary War is to us.
...No doubt at that time there will be unimaginable advances in medicine and technology. Hopefully we'll have a green planet. Perhaps automobiles will be getting a 100 miles a gallon of new found fuel; perhaps many more families will have their own aircraft, thus relieving traffic on our highways. Perhaps kids will have cell phones allowing them to talk to their counterparts in foreign countries because the voice messages would be instantly translated into each other's language as they spoke. Cancer will be cured. Diabetes will be cured, as well as many other medical problems.
...The good thing is that there will be very few doctors around. Medicare will be a thing of the past. Social Security will not be needed. Obama's progeny will be elected every eight years and the country will be out of debt with a surplus in the treasury. Everyone will have a health plan but would rarely use it. Every high school grad will go to college free of tuition and teachers will be earning as much as lawyers. Republicans and Democrats will be replaced by Mensacrats and Sociocrats. And will someone volunteer to wake me up before I'm dragged off to the looney bin?