Friday, June 17, 2016


.....Our revered elective system is all f---ed up. The Republicans have been glued toTrump and Hillary had to be concerned with Ernie, bless their hearts. On the one hand, with millions of votes, and besides that, a Carnival Clown. On the other party--the Democrats--a female and a Jew. Now I have nothing to do with either of them, although I get entertained by a clown, and I love women; especially my treasure of a wife!


.....Whoever said, "You're in the Golden Age" ought to be shot, hung, drawn and quartered. I am not in the Golden Age. Neither are you who use a walker or a wheel chair, the icons of the afore mentioned period. Perhaps, the Golden Age may be known much better as the Bronze or even the Iron ages. Darwin was right; man develops from apes {or even--if I may ad,--Dinosaurs). Witness the gorillas of Isis, or the animal of a "man" who murdered 49 people etc.
.....As for me being a Darwinian "person", I may not yet be there. But I believe that I am close. (Ruthie may agree). I hope so. The problem is that I am short of models; I also have several illnesses that Imped my progress. Friends
 are all deceased.
.....The strangest event occurred while I scratched off  my $2 scratchoffs. I most always scratched off a winner the first one, of a batch. At least it seemed so--over time. I always worked with these interesting tickets on our kitchen table. So Usually you get a winning ticket of $1 or $2.  This time, however, I was stunned to scratch off  prize of  a winning prize of $200, not $2!! I kept scratching off a winner of $200 again.
$200 a fifth time. I realized I had won a $1000 on my $2 ticket!!! I was breathless, but I recovered slowly. Darwin was right; he wrote "If you are human, someday in life you will win $1000.  


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJune 17, 2016 at 1:39 PM

    Mm, I can't quite recall where Darwin said that - please provide chapter and verse, dear Baron - but I'm pleased about your win!
    Yes, we are living in times of decrease and disempowerment, but we can still make the most of them. Subject to health, of course, but whilever you're blogging, you're hanging on in there! "These fragments I have shored against my ruin." That's in T S Eliot somewhere, but he was quoting someone else I think, but can't recall whom. Back to Google!! Cuz Ruth

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJune 17, 2016 at 1:42 PM

    Mm, Google thinks it was Eliot himself, not a quote. What a nice change! Cuz R

  3. These fragments have I run against my ruins
    T.S Eliot, "Murder in the Cathedral" He said that, didn't actually "run"--or something like that. I don't recall the exact quote, but I'm very close.

  4. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netJune 18, 2016 at 12:52 PM

    Cool! Cuz R
