.....First of all Trump didn't mean that women should be punished for having an abortion; that would be too bizarre even for him. He said that the person or doctor should be punished who performed the abortion. Personally I believe that women ought to be in charge of their own bodies, so I guess I'm a prochoicer. However I don't believe in abortions as such; so I guess I'm somewhat of a prolifer. I mean that the child might someday become a genius in some field. Just think if Einstein was aborted, or Sinatra, or Trump perhaps. The Bard? Perish the thought! But women should have a choice...like when they're shoping.
.....Shakespeare, in Hamlet wrote that the time is out of joint. Of course, the kids in the Greatest Generation realized that Shakespeare left out the "s" in "joint" and that The Bard, himself, was out of "joints". But we realized that no one could produce a great play like Hamlet unless they were under the influence of the weed. I have thought long and hard about the Bard's literary genius while he was "high". Or, what I have concluded-- that the hidden meaning of "joint" without the "s" is a Trumpism.
.....I started to write a book some moons ago, but since I was in hospital then, I had to stop at page 75. I just had some other priorities when I got out. The good thing is this: I did not like the hospital food so I ate nothing for the three days I was there. After I got home, I continued to eat the meals I liked, but I dropped about 50 pounds since. By accident I invented the "Baron's Pushaway Diet". You eat half of your meal and Push the other half away.
Please forgive me if you find any errors in syntax here. I haven't the time to fix them.
Next thing you'll be telling us, dear Baron, is that when the Bard referred to a "roach," he DIDN'T mean a cockroach. Or maybe that when he wished that the too too solid flesh would melt, he was spaced out after a night of overindulgence on the weed. Or that his reference to cakes and ale was a case of the "munchies" that one gets while stoned. (Apparently.) Or that his suggestion that Ophelia get to a nunnery was symptomatic of the the characteristic failure of sexual desire while under the influence. (Again, apparently.)
ReplyDeleteWith regard to abortion, I agree with you. It seems wrong and distasteful: but since Nature or God has apportioned the work of procreation so unevenly between men and women, women have the moral right to even up the score by having good access to abortion. Think I've mentioned this before. Much love, Cuz Ruth