Saturday, May 7, 2016


.....Same old, same old. The GOP establishment has decided that they have all the qualities that Mr. Trump doesn't have in order to lead the nation. Again they have apparently also decided that the American people are incompetent voters because they have made The Donald presumptive nominee for President. And here I thought that the GOP elite have, in the past, decided that they know what the American people need, and thus they are now the whiners that The Trumpet was accused of being.  So, therefor the millions of Americans who voted for Senor Primer Donald didn't know what they were doing. So screw the people "We know Best".  The GOP leaders have decided not to vote for Trump or to be his Vice President since  he is interfering with their desire to override American democracy, and consequently maintaining their Plutocracy vis- a'- vis Oligarchy, which Mr. Ryan, the House Speaker, and the epitome of Conservatism, is trying to unify. Good luck.
.....Next week my girls are coming from California for a brief, but welcome visit.  Since they have been here before, they know which restaurants and which food they have enjoyed. If they have  choices they wish for most, it can be arranged with no problem.  They will again see the 55' TV they and their male siblings gifted me for Veterans' Day.  That TV is a godsend for I can now see and hear what is up there on the screen.  And soon it will be Memorial Day--and there is so much to remember and to honor by making the world a better place to live.  I have two Great Grandchildren, Huston & Brooks. Perhaps they will do the same for me one day. I have never seen Brooks who is almost a year old, I believe. And I've only seen Huston briefly.  He's about two or three--I'm not sure. I'm very bad about names and ages. They make my son, Bobby, a grandparent.
.....I have for my legacy another minor accomplishment.  I have lost about 50 lbs., more or less. This has come about because of the Norman Push-a-way diet.  That means that to lose weight you must eat only half of your meal and push away the other half. I don't know how to advertise this for commercial and financial reasons. Perhaps my son, Adam or his wife Tucky, knows what must be done & how to do it.  I could become a billionaire like Trump, one day.
.....In my 92+ years I have learned to apply ruthless personal standards of excellence--and good things will happen.  Just do it!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

What will be will be. (Ross)

.....Just don't complain about the VA. I've been going there 30 years for medication & stuff, and never had to wait longer than 15 minutes for my appointment.  Lucky us--instead of needing to drive 40 miles to the VA in WPB (Did you have anything to do with this, Robin?), a VA clinic opened here a couple of years ago. They offer everything that the hospital offers with the exception of dental work.  And today I had an appointment with a doctor (you don't want to know) whose only job, it seemed was to check up on the medication I was taking. But the doc was in WPB & I was here! She was on a television doohickey & I was here. Yes! She was in WPB. Weird, no?
.....I have upwards of 45 emails from various companies, and I don't know how they all got there. As Boehner would say, they're a pain in the ass and I haven't the foggiest notion how to set up a different email address. I'll just have to poke around for one & hope to find out how to go somewhere else. But I don't want to lose the emails I'm saving. Oh! there are many I'm saving. Any ideas? Well my girls will be here in a couple of weeks & I'm sure they know how.
 .....I've been glued to the tv when I find the time, and I found that the entertaining episodes of Tromp & Friends are without par.... and the other channel with Hillary and Bernie is also hoping to become president.  My head is dizzy because when I was younger I always knew whom was going to vote for, but now it's a conundrum. I know that Trump is the presumptive President and if he manages to become president we will have the most gorgeous first lady in history. Hillary doesn't qualify. 

.....A couple were sitting at a table in a restaurant when the young lady spied her gynecologist sitting at a table opposite them. "Why don't you go over there and say 'hello' to him?" said the young man. "Oh, it would be a waste of time", she said. "He wouldn't recognize me anyway."

Monday, May 2, 2016


.....First of all Trump didn't mean that women should be punished for having an abortion; that would be too bizarre even for him. He said that the person or doctor should be punished who performed the abortion. Personally I believe that women ought to be in charge of their own bodies, so I guess I'm a prochoicer.  However I don't believe in abortions as such; so I guess I'm somewhat of a prolifer.  I mean that the child might someday become a genius in some field. Just think if Einstein was aborted, or Sinatra, or Trump perhaps. The Bard? Perish the thought! But women should have a when they're shoping. 

.....Shakespeare, in Hamlet wrote that the time is out of joint. Of course, the kids in the Greatest Generation realized that Shakespeare left out the "s" in "joint" and  that The Bard, himself, was out of "joints".  But we realized that no one could produce a great play like Hamlet unless they were under the influence of the weed. I have thought long and hard about the Bard's literary genius while he was "high".  Or, what I have concluded-- that the hidden meaning of "joint" without the "s" is a Trumpism.
.....I started to write a book some moons ago, but since I was in hospital then, I had to stop at page 75. I just had some other priorities when I got out. The good thing is this: I did not like the hospital food so I ate nothing for the three days I was there. After I got home, I continued to eat the meals I liked, but I dropped about 50 pounds since. By accident I invented the "Baron's Pushaway Diet". You eat half of your meal and Push the other half away.  
Please forgive me if you find any errors in syntax here. I haven't the time to fix them.