Monday, April 18, 2016


.....My good friend, Mike (not his birth name--neither is mine, it's Red Baron") well-- to get along I checked my email yesterday and found one of interest--from an atheist...Mike. It seems that a new neighbor moved in near Mike and he got to know this woman quite well. She seems to make the world a better place...for her and for him.  But you seem to make the world a scary place-- (if, indeed you exist, and I have my own doubts about that). Mike lost his wife to cancer last year, and this woman appears to have enchanted my friend, and is filling a chasm in his life. Unfortunately, Mike's friend has recently been diagnosed with cancer. This has fortified Mike's belief that there is no such entity as a benevolent God. And who can blame him?
.....Assuming that there is a God (who doesn't believe in Mike) he offered God a "deal". Cure his new friend of this malignancy and he would then become a "believer."  Just like those folks who go to Church, or Synagogue, or Mosque. Or wherever.
.....Mike claims that the Bible offers scant proof that you exist--so presuming so, said to God "whanna make a deal? Make that contemptible malignancy sapping her life, disappear completely. And in trade, I will believe in you. I will await your response.  

.....If there is such a deity as a benevolent God he would come to my house like Santa & fix my computer. It took forever before I was able to find this blog. I can't believe that I took that much time to find and fix the problem when I could be watching Trump on every news channel. And I could have remembered that we have no chimney, so Mr. Clause won't stop here. So, I'll eat the Oreo cookies myself. Would that be referred to as a "selfie"? 

Where did everybody go???



  1. If the cancer completely disappears, wouldn't the inclination be to assume that modern medicine did it, Mike's "deal" notwithstanding? Also, if the cancer does not change, that doesn't necessarily "disprove" an imaginary being's existence or non-existence. It could be that the deal didn't offer a fair trade, from the deity's point of view.

    1. I tried sweetening the "deal" by throwing in extras, but she wouldn't budge. (Yes, our illusive God is female) The extra were Norman's condo, his non working computer, his walker. I even threw in Norman, but she told me, that she doesn't have first dibs on him.....Mike

  2. The glitch on the comments for these last few posts, I believe it's all NEW!
    Try clicking of the word "comment" at the end of the post. I'm going crazier!

    1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netApril 25, 2016 at 5:14 PM

      Mike - God is DEFINITELY a male. A woman's body is such a nightmare (starting with the hymen so that you have to be pierced open like a tube of tomato puree, and going on to things like vulnerability to forcible sex, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, the menopause etc.) that I can't believe that another woman would inflict it on us! A BLOKE would - but I will, of my charity, ascribe it to ignorance, not ill-nature. Thousands wouldn't! Cuz Ruth

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netApril 22, 2016 at 6:59 PM

