Thursday, April 28, 2016


.....I don't know if I can continue with this blog. I am spending too much time (hours!) on it trying to find my home page, this blog, my sign in to Comcast or Microsoft or Google or Bing. This because Google , Baron's boss, has changed every thing that I have become use to since I started "computing".  I don't know when to download stuff that pops up, and then everything gets even more complicated.  Microsoft wants my password that I never had.  Yesterday, Ally Bank would not accept the password I have used and I had to call them. PNC locked my out for some reason. And into this holocaust of technology, I've gotten a fat cursor which I never had and I don't know how to get back to the skinny one so that I can read the letters I'm typing.  I'm too far along in life to be happy with this state of techno affairs. So, I'm going back to my quill & ink (it I can). Bear with me.
.....I can't figure out why my cursor became the fat one?? Oh, well, that's the least of my problems. I have a few more to deal with that carry more weight than a fat cursor.  For example: Who is going to be my final President. He (or she) won't be around until November and will probably last until 2020 at which witching hour I may not ever see him (or her), unless perhaps there is such an icon as a benevolent Lord--witch (sic) time I will have chosen Zeus and company whom no one expects him (her?) to be benevolent.      

.....Lately I've be stuck in front of the TV trying to decide which channel offers the most entertainment re: the question or the conundrum about who will get the reward for the best "insulter" of the Republican and Democratic nominees for president. I can't wait for the circus of the conventions. I am going to Publix and get a bag of popcorn and a bottle of Heineken.   

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


.....I went to a seder at Gary's house and after all was read and sung we received the food I'd been waiting for. It came, It could have been food that I was familiar with.
All through the pamphlet that had the required reading was prayer extolling a benevolent god. Well I thought long and hard to accept the violence in the world due either to a non existent god or a malevolent god.  I settled on the former. This world is not the world in which I raised my children.
.....This country suffered the horror of 9/11. Paris lost many people in a terror attack as did Belgium . In Nigeria two year's ago 200 girls were kidnapped and they have not been returned to their mothers. Very little has been done to free these girls. The war in Syria seems to have gone on forever and thousands have been killed there. And I'm sure my readers have heard about "Isis" in the Middle East which spawned an ocean of refugees. And here in America hundreds of men, women , and children have been murdered and nothing has been done about guns in this country. What? Is God sleeping? "I'd rather be a pagan, suckled in a creed outworn"  so might I  avoid having to read the news every day..... Thank you Mr. Wordsworth for giving me an idea.  

.....A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election.

.....If you wish to be entertained, just turn on your TV to CNN and hear palaver from and about for Whining Trump, Lying Cruz, and the other guy all trying to get the nomination to be President. Besides the entertainment provided free of charge by CNN about the dash for delegates, just wait until November and tune in to the conventions! In all my 92 years, I have never seen anything like the candidates' political pugilism, and I hope I never see it again. What a country!

.....Friends and not so friends, I am giving up computerism. I have sat in front of this damn thing for hours trying to get here because this computer is extremely balky and frustrating. Also, I have made many mistakes in typing this post and so I have to hit the back button much too often now. Geeze, I typed 65 words a minute in h.s.!

Monday, April 18, 2016


.....My good friend, Mike (not his birth name--neither is mine, it's Red Baron") well-- to get along I checked my email yesterday and found one of interest--from an atheist...Mike. It seems that a new neighbor moved in near Mike and he got to know this woman quite well. She seems to make the world a better place...for her and for him.  But you seem to make the world a scary place-- (if, indeed you exist, and I have my own doubts about that). Mike lost his wife to cancer last year, and this woman appears to have enchanted my friend, and is filling a chasm in his life. Unfortunately, Mike's friend has recently been diagnosed with cancer. This has fortified Mike's belief that there is no such entity as a benevolent God. And who can blame him?
.....Assuming that there is a God (who doesn't believe in Mike) he offered God a "deal". Cure his new friend of this malignancy and he would then become a "believer."  Just like those folks who go to Church, or Synagogue, or Mosque. Or wherever.
.....Mike claims that the Bible offers scant proof that you exist--so presuming so, said to God "whanna make a deal? Make that contemptible malignancy sapping her life, disappear completely. And in trade, I will believe in you. I will await your response.  

.....If there is such a deity as a benevolent God he would come to my house like Santa & fix my computer. It took forever before I was able to find this blog. I can't believe that I took that much time to find and fix the problem when I could be watching Trump on every news channel. And I could have remembered that we have no chimney, so Mr. Clause won't stop here. So, I'll eat the Oreo cookies myself. Would that be referred to as a "selfie"? 

Where did everybody go???


Thursday, April 14, 2016


.....What's been going on with the attempt to get somewhere in arriving at the nominee for president is mindful of the attempts to acquire a leader in a third world country.  To think that Donald Trump could have become the Republican nominee if he were a bit less of an entertainer. Trump in running his campaign has gobbled up the media. CNN has been having a helluva time in following this TV personality, it seems, every minute of every hour. And to think that the election is seven months away, and that we would like some news on the news channels! 

.....And that Bible Thumper who is stalking Mr. Trump is quoted at saying "...the staff of Trump is just a bunch of union boss thugs!" Something to that effect. And I've been a member of the AFT--teachers' union, and in 30 years I never met a union thug.
And if I'm not mistaken, one of Sen. Cruz's staff referred to women of the Democratic Party as "whores. Well one woman anyway. So let's get on with it. I can barely swallow my food.

.....A couple of months ago, in Nigeria, the Boca Raton thugs kidnapped some 200 schoolgirls. (Maybe I got the "Raton" down quite cavalierly) and these imbeciles have kept the girls from their mothers to this day.  Darwin was right! The world is saturated with bodies whose brains have not yet developed that would allow these wretches to become human beings. I saw a video of the girls on TV today, and they looked very, very sad. If I took a selfie of me, I would look very, very sad as well.

.....I find that I can no longer write a post to this blog as I was won't to do. When I was 90--no problem. But now that I'm 92, retirement is over and I am in what I call "post retirement. My calendar is filled with MD appointments among other things. For example--tax return. I wonder what  the IRS could do to me if I did not file a return. After all, I have no wages!

Monday, April 11, 2016

The unexamined life is not worth living. (Socrates)

.....Well, hello again. A little wisdom is welcome when you're 92, and hopefully it'll give me some insight about who, what, where, and when I am. That should cover it, though all of it may not apply to me.  Anyway Plato had it, Aristotle had it, Maimonides had it, though wisdom and self examination apparently didn't do them much good. Who said "the unexamined life is not worth living"?  So, if I accept that concept, and wish to make sure that I live a little longer, I have to do some self-examination immediately: I am humorous but can't smile, a little insecure, impatient, out of control at times and hard to handle. But if you can't abide me at my worst, you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best. And though I did not get to some other stuff about me, I will refuse to drink the hemlock--I prefer diet coke.

.....It's amazing how fast time passes by. Eight years ago I was writing and speaking about Obama and Mitt Romney (sp?) Or was it Hillary? Anyway I got into trouble with some of my friends, who in our political debates, felt more comfortable forgetting the second amendment. It was wise of our forefathers to put in lots of amendments to the Constitution so we could, with convenience forget a few when the occasion called for it. (Oh, it was Socrates who said that thing about examining. But forget about the  amendments--he had to drink hemlock!).  So, I recommend walking away from any political discussions. Or claim that you are voting for Ross Perot (sp?)

.....Well my taxes are all paid, and the IRS has to send me money according to TurboTax who will do your tax return for nothing. What a country! Doing my tax return online was a lot of fun--but also a headache. You will have to get all your 1099s together in addition to a lot of other stuff about which you have to go. I'm fortunate that I happen to have all the medication to help me through the  ordeal...But remember that things are only impossible until they're not.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

TAX TIME IS TAXING! (ME)+---------

.....hI ONCE took me a good part of my days to do my tax return. I decided to let Turbo Tax help me. They did a good job and submitted my return electronically. Shortly after that, my return was accepted by the IRS. They had an easy time of it. I'm not Donald Trump. It seems like only yesterday that I was blogging about Hillary and Obama.  ( Attributed the title of this posting to me because JR likes attribution.) He's right. Except when a quote is allowed due to poets' license--and I'm a poet!

.....Now, since you are all eligible for Social Security--or soon will be--I read somewhere, perhaps Time Mag., that you get the most money when you are 70.  Me? I took it right away.  Thus I will not advise you one way or the other. If you decide to wait, join AARP and read the articles as though you were waiting for a bus.  So far I've learned that the older you get, the more doctors you will need for any part of your body--and they will get the money that you should have gotten if you take your Soch early.  Speaking of Social Security, I have heard Bernie make a few speeches and if he's 78 if a day, he gets so excited that he may drop dead before he's done with his Socialist Shpeel. Then who will take his place?

.....I can't believe that I was posting on this blog ever since Hillary and Obama were duking it out.  But this time keeping track of the delegate numbers each of the current candidates carries and prepares to have a heart attack if they are not chosen to run for President is much more fun. (Is that a complete sentence?) OK, so maybe it's not complete, but I myself am close to complete so who cares about sentences. And to think that I was a student of comparative linguistics at Columbia. I suspect that my 
British cousin will chew me out for such carelessness. But which of my readers can run a debate about morphemes and phonemes, huh? Anyway Trump is my man! (though I don't plan to vote for him) I'm a Democrat. and why doesn't Bernie get the hell out of the way. A Jewish president? And 78 to boot.  
