Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Problems are messages." Shakti Gawain

.....Well, it's Sunday and I have nothing much to do, except to find a picture of me in WWII. Problem is I don't have any loose ones hanging around, they are either in my 90th birthday book or RH+s book of me as I looked in WWII and now. I don't mean that I look now as I looked in WWII, but it's close.  I need a WWII copy for an event here in November about all veteran's who live here or elsewhere. Problem is that all of these me pictures are either in a frame hanging on a wall or glued into a book that the kids made for me as a birthday gift. The book is a beauty  with pictures of me from the time I was born-- and I'm not about to cut the picture out that I need, thus spoiling the book. 
.....I suppose I can try to keep this open so that it looks as though I had no problem typing it.  But that is not the case, at all.  I had a plethora of problems correcting all the typos. I don't know if it pays to continue this blog. It takes up a huge amount of time. I don't know if too many readers are out there--or a paucity of them.  According to the comments that I get I can say that there are, or used to be, JR, BF, MH, EJ who used to be EB, PB, RH and a few more who read this blog occasionally. There also are about 749 who never read it! Now I can say there is one sure reader, and that's RG who comments on every post.  And insofar as there may be several typos in today's posting, who cares? ....
.....Having nothing much else to do, I've been working on a musical for next March. I call it "Generations America"  I plan to have skits, historical events, songs, celebrities, war casualties, & etc. from each generation since the Revolution. Problem is that I only have a stage manager--RH+, of course, and I have no Producer, Treasurer, Curtain Puller, Back Stage crew, & etc., etc. And as of now I don't even have the performers to do the songs.  It will be a doozie finding all this show talent!  I'll finish this off by informing you that each of us is healthy.


  1. I won't say "break a leg" because you might do so.

  2. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netSeptember 5, 2015 at 4:02 PM

    Joel - Rachel once was in a theatrical production when she was younger, and I told her to break a leg. But she fell off a ladder and broke an arm instead. TEENAGERS, grrr!!

    Baron - Back from Rhodes, had a super hol. Will continue to read your blog, which I hope you will continue to write! Cuz Ruth

    1. I always look forward to reading your blog.

    2. The next post I wrote was delighted by someone because it had some bad words! Gee another reader!
