Saturday, November 8, 2014

"The cautious seldom err" (Confucius)

.....I am totally and unequivocally bored. Oh, I know I have this blob to worry about,  I also wrote that my fingers often do not go where I want them to. Youll notice that I made a cistake or two already. I've decided not to make any corrections becajse it takes too long.  Please excurse me, it's one of the paons of aging, I guels.  But ;perhaps it will be fun for me to read. it's much better than hitting the backspace key each time I make a misteak.  Enjoy it!
.....''another projedt I have to go baci to is the sci-fe book I started to write.  Problem is that I' can't make anh errors.  Publisher requires a perefect download--or uplade. I still do not know what they jean.  So, there is the conumdrum. I therefore I'm being rather slow getting back to it. Anyway, its not flr yout to read anyway.  And I'm not so good at writing sci-fi.  I think its good, who else?  A couple of months ago a guy from Comcast camd to fis some provlem we were having with our TV, and when he lefe he said that we also have Wi-Fi. I don't know how Wi-Fi will do us any good excdpt in McDonald's or Burger King.
.....I'm douvle spacing know, and think my typing is getteg worse. I don't know how this post will look when U puvvvvlish it. When I read it, I espect that it will exults or disgust me. I'f fearful of the comments that I will get. I may even be demoted from Baron to Duke. .....I believe that the time has come for RH" and I to geeeet our things in order, so we started to have a trust for us to deposit all that is of value. What we had to pay the lawher was certainlj of valus, and we weder short a couple of thousands of assets. Besides the asseets we had in the trust, the one big asset we haave is the house which s9eday tye iidx will sell and make a few bucis.


  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netNovember 8, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    Grate stuf, Barrun! Soopa gaim, thiss!! Cuzn Rooth

  2. C? I''n bot alone. Other people have a proplim wit snaky finkers.

  3. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netNovember 10, 2014 at 12:07 AM

    Hoo ar theese "other people?" Nough iff u'd ritten "uttha peepl," Eye'd hav nown wot u wer torking abowt. Cuzn Rooth

  4. Deer Rooty, sumtyt I get the rite think.

  5. ˙ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ ı

  6. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netNovember 12, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    Barrun - yor sun iz ae bigg smahtarrse. Butt hee kan't spel, kan hee! Cuzn Rooth
