.....Well RH+ just went bowling. She's in a league and this is the first day of the new season--sort of a rollaball NFL. Nothing interferes with her bowling. So what should I do while I'm here alone in the house where it's quiet enough for me to think of I want to write in this blog which I've had to abandon for a while. As for myself, I no longer drive, nor play golf, nor run marathons, nor swim a mile a day. I gave Rho the keys to my car, voluntarily. I would never get in a car that someone 90 years or older was driving. If I drove, then, it would be hypocritical, wouldn't it?
.....If you haven't heard already, about three weeks ago I felt really sick, woke up about 3am, was very cold and had a problem breathing. Rhoda call 911, the medics came and whisked me off to the hospital which in the UK they leave off the "the" before hospital which isn't a very big deal. You can't even say that it's poor English because they live in England where they speak proper on occasion. After umpteen tests there, it was determined that I had pneumonia, and it sure felt like it! Anyway, I was only there for three days. I do not allow pneumonia to occupy my body for more than that. After 10 days, or so, on anti-biotics, I now feel perfectly fine.
.....The next adventure is quiet funny. The other night while I was sitting on the bed ready to sleep about 11:30 pm. and attempting to put my glasses on the night desk next to the bed, it rolled back on its wheels and I found myself sitting on the floor--which for me is a disaster. RH+ tried to pick me up (ha! ha!). She failed miserably. I failed to pick myself up. Consequently, we dialed 911, the medics came and lifted me back onto the bed. I didn't hurt at all, except for the embarrassment involved. I remember the days when I was able to get up immediately should I fall. Now, it's not possible.
.....Next adventure involves litigation. I wrote great musical, but it was literally stolen by four people who violated the copyright which I always put on the second page of my books. I warned them that if they changed anything in my script, they were to get my approval which they conveniently forgot. Needless to say that the changes they made would not entertain a ninth grade class. I was furious and seriously disappointed not to see my work get to fruition on the stage. I do not take such things without doing something about it. I learned this in WWII. When a Messerschmitt shot at me, I shot back. I did not just put my thumbs up at the Nazi to say, "Nice shot". Thus I am taking this group to court for violating a US Government document which makes my manuscript--mine.
Lovely that you're back, dear Baron! Cuz Ruth
ReplyDeleteSorry I've been out of touch for too long. We are mesmerized by The Roosevelts on PBS and these last days I've been thinking of you so often.
ReplyDeleteSome health problems here, but nothing can stop me from flying to Portland, OR to be with my daughter and her family for Rosh Hashanah. My best to you and RH+.
If you persist in ending this blog, I demand that you return my subscription fee. Mike Herbstman
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but we do not return measly subscriptions, and when we hiatus a subscription it means that we go on vacation to the ER.
ReplyDeleteKeep going, you two: love it to death! Cuzzin Ruth