If any person, idiot, media, or country needs an excuse to exercise their need for anti-Semitism, they will seize upon it like a dog seizes a bone. That involves all Europeans, many Englishmen, Fox News, New York Times, U.N, Turkey, Bolivia, and make no mistake, it goes on and on and everywhere. There are now 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and by 2030 there will be more than 2 billion, and about 250 million of them are Islamic radicals who are like an ebola visited upon the human race.
While thousands of Syrian civilians were dying in the war there, and now in Libya, Iraq and 298 civilians on the Malaysian plane shot down by Russian militants in Ukraine, where is the hue and cry and the ringing of hands to the extent Israel is being subjected to? Where was the world's recognition of rockets inundating Israel? The answer is--nowhere. What country would endure such an attack on their civilian population such as Israel was being subjected to by Hamas? The answer is--no country. But for a Jewish state, what is so terrible? The answer is--why not?
Now, when Israel was being attacked by rockets (no matter if it led to civilian deaths), and when Israel discovered tunnels into their country dug like gophers by Hamas for the sole purpose of invasion to kill Jews or to capture them, Israel went to war, and civilians do die in a war. Ask England when the Nazi's V1s and V2s were launched at English civilians. Hamas knew this, and their hatred of Israel was such that they didn't give a damn if their people were dying. So much for pitying them. It's a war; get out of the f..g way! (Just a thought)
Well, here is another thought; in all the newspapers and magazines that I buy, such as the Florida Sun-Sentinel, Time, and Sports Illustrated, I get very little news and unfinished articles. So, why are they sending me pleas to renew my subscriptions? At the end of each news report and magazine story is the advice to go to the remainder by means of a link they kindly supply if you care to read the more of what they have written! Too bad if you don't have a computer, or an iPod, or a PeaPod. (Just another thought)
And then there's the Geek you call to come and fix the printer so that it prints whatever you have on the computer monitor. RH+ had the same problem. He fixed them all right--but not before he took RH+ to Office Depot to buy a "yellow cartridge"; what had that to do with fixing the computer, I don't know. But then, for ten bucks he also bought a "flash drive" to back up my stuff. He backed it up alright, but when I asked him to show me how to do it, he said, "Oh, that's the first lesson that I teach. Sign up for my class." So after an hour he gets for $55--but he stretches it out for more. I've been a victim of a dastard who ought to be blasted into Cyberspace! (Just a thought).
If you call me on the phone with a computer problem, I can provide you with tech support at a rate that is lower than $55/hr. I give special discounts to WWII vets, soccer coaches, poets, and anyone over 90 who still knows how to write a blog and use a phone.
ReplyDeleteTo your analysis of the Israeli-Gazan hostilities, I would add that not merely will Hamas (voted in by the Gazans, and committed in its charter to killing ALL Jews) not protect its own civilians, but also actually openly uses them as propaganda, storing weapons (according to the UN as well as the Israelis) and deploying its military personnel at or near humanitarian buildings. This enables them to cry "DISPROPORTIONATE" when more Gazan civilians than Israeli ones are casualties. It is odd that the Palestinians claim that they welcome death, and then demand world sympathy when they get it. As my son Sam has remarked about the deaths: "The Israelis are the most proximate cause of the casualties, but the Palestinians say they seek them and want them: you'd think EVERYBODY would be happy, wouldn't you!"
ReplyDeleteItm, Baroness Warsi, a Muslim, has just resigned from the government in protest against its stance regarding the conflict: and our politicians are now really going to have to consider the vast Muslim voting numbers. Our opposition leader, Mr Ed Miliband, himself Jewish, is now courting the Muslim vote. "The matches, Herr Biedermann!" (Max Frisch, "The Fire Raisers.")