
Your glaring omission of my name in your latest blog, naming your good friends, forced me to take a particular action. I have removed your name and picture from my FaceBook Page. I attempted to mitigate the consequences of this act, but could not find any other method that make it seem less severe, but in the end, your photo and name were directed to cybernetic banishment simply by the stroke of my cursor.
This will not effect the future possible restaurant excursions we manage to maintain. I cannot see withholding the critiques that you so require from time to time, so your punishment will not seem that atavistic.
The omission has put me in a precarious condition, possibly lowering my fellow condo commandos outlook toward my pragmatic and forward thinking.
An apology might be accepted when published in the same venue.
This will not effect the future possible restaurant excursions we manage to maintain. I cannot see withholding the critiques that you so require from time to time, so your punishment will not seem that atavistic.
The omission has put me in a precarious condition, possibly lowering my fellow condo commandos outlook toward my pragmatic and forward thinking.
An apology might be accepted when published in the same venue.
....Mr. Herbstman's feelings were damaged to a fault; I don't like to have my picture removed from anyone's Facebook because it's a punishment beyond belief. In fact it is shameful to suffer such a slight. And all because, no doubt, he read in my previous post about my loss of friends, and though he will, on occasion, honor us with his presence at Longhorn's where he always tells the waitress "Separate checks, please." Quaint.
.....I call him "Mike" because I do consider him a beloved culinary type friend, and I offer him a tearful sea of mea culpa apologies for leaving him off the kinds of friends I had growing up and sharing puberty with them. If Mike has a modicum of puberty in him then I will place him high on my list of the Kelly Street Apaches of which gang I was a member. Oh, I forgot Jack Richman and Al Oran. And Normie Davidson was my mentor; he told me what happens when you masturbate for a few minutes. I'll be forever grateful to him for this advice.
....I got an email today from my beloved Bonny who always thinks of me. So she sent me an article about how people with PAD (peripheral artery disease) can walk further if they eat a bar of chocolate before walking. A couple of researching doctors discovered this aid, but they needn't have gone through all that trouble if they only asked me about something I already knew. Ooooo Oooo, I'd love to have a couple of bars of dark chocolate with dark chocolate ice cream
and corn on the cob for an appetizer and then dark Kentucky Fried chicken for
dinner. After 90 years, I cannot change my eating habits. After my beloved wife read the article, she sent the following email to Bonny and my beloved Robin:
RH+.....That article is very interesting, but your Dad ONLY eats dark chocolate and has been doing that for as long as I know him. It's probably why he was able to run 2 marathons. I think age has something to do with his problem and also peripheral artery disease, which he does have. I'll just have to feed him more dark chocolate, but the results may be that he only gains weight, which we don't want him to do.
Aw, Baron, how sweet! Now you and Mike are buddies again! (And actually, I never really thought you weren't: Mike, you're always such a good laugh..)
ReplyDeleteCuzzin Rhoda - why don't you want the Baron to gain weight? If you've got the right man, how can you have enough of him?
ReplyDelete"Mmmm - CHUCK-let!!" (Homer Simpson)
Cuzzin Ruth