.....Right now I am spending my time between "Game of Thorns" and the World Cup. If there is a conflict between the two, I won't know what to do. It's like Robert Frost wrote, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...and I took the one less traveled by." In this case, if you go by TV, then Thorns solves the conflict because fewer people watch it, and trillions watch the World Cup. And it's like Yogi Berra said, If you come to a fork in the road, take it." The World Cup is no doubt exciting but it doesn't show women in full frontal nudity. In almost every episode; I wonder what they get paid. Besides writing this blog is mostly what I do--but there is plenty to do here anyway. I'm 90 but that's no excuse for sitting around, moping. I believe that 98% of men over 90 lose their hair--or they just possess a wisp of grey.
.....Another hobby of mine is scratching off scratchoff tickets. Yesterday I was busy with something else and so I asked RH+ to scratch off a few tickets that I had left over, so she did. And so for me, she scratched off one, and won $100 from a 5$ ticket! Not a bad return. So I recommend that you buy some scratchoffs if they sell them in your state. Speaking of my previous hobbies, I recommend them also. I just got comment from Mike regarding hobbies, and it seemed to me that Mike likes a clean environment so his hobby now is cleaning chatchkas off all the tables. I've been to his apartment and I noticed a trillion chatchkas everywhere. So, now Mike has all clean tables, and soon he will be looking for something else to do. Eating a steak at Longhorns is something else that he loves to do, but I don't think you can call it a hobby, just a nutritional habit.
.....Speaking of Mike, his comment on the post about Agincourt must be longer than the post I have here. I don't mean that he commented on Shakespeare's bit about Henry V. Actually, what he wrote had nothing to do with what that post was about. It had to do with the fact that he had nothing to do. Oh, I won't go on, because you can read his comment and you may comment on his comment. Forgive me, but "Thorn" is on.
Baron - Mike has had a sad loss, and you should be VERY VERY NICE to him! But you have imitated the action of a tiger. In peace, there's nothing so becomes as man as modest stillness and humility...Cuzzin Ruth
ReplyDeleteDear Mike, I'm so sorry about your losing your beloved wife. However, regrettably, teleportation has not yet been invented, so I can't send you a banknote of any currency or denomination. Not even a Euro. Maybe a few Neuros. You probably haven't heard of them: they're the name I've given to units of nervousness, and are common currency in families.
ReplyDeleteJoel - why no jolly puns around the names of breakfast cereals after the last blog-post? Did the Muse-li not descend upon you?
Cuz Ruth
First of all, I've been very, very nice to him; I offered to give him my car and forego the $1200 offer from "Cash for Cars". I always agree with him, no matter if he's wrong. I am quite modest; I am more of a poodle than a tiger; and no one is more humble. I demonstrated all of these qualities at my party. Mike ought not to go to the pool and listen to nonsense. No one is nicer to Mike than I. All this after Helen left us twain.
ReplyDeleteA POODLE? Then slip the leash and let loose the dogs of war!! We had a poodle once, but he was the most vicious dog we ever had. I used to tell people he wasn't a poodle at all, but a Kyrgyzstan Staffie. There is no such breed, of course, but the inventively fierce nomenclature gave folks the right idea! Obviously, a dog cannot originate from both Kyrgyzstan and Staffordshire at the same time. The inhabitants of Staffordshire are REALLY primitive and savage.
ReplyDeleteOf COURSE you are good to Mike, dear Baron, as you have told us with the modesty and humility that so well become you. I was only teasing you in order to bring Henry V back into play (no pun intended!) Cuzzin Ruth