.....I found a new way to save money, and I'm thinking about it. First of all we have been using a company that will send a man to fix any appliance in your home when things go wrong, and if the appliance cannot be fixed they will give you new one. The cost? $385 a year. In 2013 we only had to call on them once to give us a new garbage disposal in our sink. $385 is a stiff price to pay for such little use, don't you think? I believe a better idea is that when you need something fixed, then check the yellow pages for a guy who could fix it. Of course if a large item, like a water heater or air conditioner dies, then buy a new one from a brand you can trust. Best Buy is the place to go. Large items like those I've mentioned rarely need to be replaced. Thus you can save money by dumping the appliance company and keep the $385.
.....OK. Sorry, but I have used all the colors I can find that are offered for this blog, so I'll use black--even though I'm told it is not a "color". Who said so? If isn't a color then perhaps someone will give me an explanation. In my life I've learned quite a bit, but colors are not my forte. If knowledge is catching, then go out and catch it. Maybe Socrates or Plato or I said this. What's the difference? I believe that there is so much to learn in this world, one should attempt to learn something new each day. For example, did you know that a 12- year- old sold 18,107 Girl Scout cookies in seven weeks, an all-time record. I believe there should be a ban after selling 10 boxes. Be aware of the problem of obesity in our schools. Also, did you know that the human nose can smell 1 trillion odors? With this knowledge, two things come to mind: if your milk smells sour, dump it. And why spend all that time teaching dogs to smell hidden illegal drugs, why not train humans with large noses to do that in a much shorter time? Alexander Pope once said, "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring." (In Greek mythology the Pierian Spring of Macedonia was sacred to the muses as a source of knowledge)
.....I recently read that the Supreme Court claimed that it was Constitutional for corporations--or individuals to make unlimited donations to a political party--(or something like that). Since this is a plutocracy anyway, and since the GOP is stacked up with billionaires, and since five Supreme Court judges were appointed by Republican Presidents, what verdict would you expect? Giving donations to political parties, the majority claimed, was free speech protected by the First Amendment. Giving money is free speech? Does this mean that I could have asked my parents to give me more money, more often, and if they objected, I could claim that a lack of a donation would be un-Constitutional?
.....Insofar as the Supreme Court is concerned, it's a joke. They are like the Marx Brothers. They think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
ReplyDeleteLooking hard for this link, Joel! Cuz Ruth
ReplyDeleteRe your first para, dear Baron: it's well known over here that these contracts offer poor value to the consumer. The companies offering them aren't in it for the good of their health. This has been in all our consumer magazines, and all the consumer columns of the newspapers. And moreover, if there were a year in which you got good value on the deal, the company might well refuse to renew the next year.
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether black's a colour or not, but neither do I care. I want to READ your stuff, not bother about the visual aesthetics. "The ink is black, the page is white," and that's fine by me!
Lastly, I quite agree that our political system is rotten, and broken beyond repair. There's not much we can do about it except to shout long and hard about how we're not fooled by it. In this connection, I LOVED your expression "merely rearranging their prejudices." And at least we both live in countries where we're allowed to SAY these things. "These fragments have I shored against my ruin." Cuzzin Ruth
When speaking of light, White is the combination of all colors and Black is a total void of colors. By combining Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta in varying degrees, all colors can be formed including white, but never black.