Saturday, March 2, 2013

"The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune" (Wm. S)

     Today I got a bill from my bank's credit card for $8968.  The problem is that I never use that card and I don't know anything about this "purchase".  I haven't got a clue as to how someone was able to spend this much on a card I never ever use.  I called the bank and they blocked the card--too late for that purchase.  Maybe they will have to eat that money because I'm not paying it.  I'll rob that bank first; I have my starter's pistol and it makes a very loud noise.  I could wear a mask, but it spoils my looks and I'm sure that it will show up on their hidden cameras and eventually on Facebook and U-Tube.  They can't arrest me for using a starter's pistol--it's only used to start races like the 100 yd. dash so it is not an armed weapon with real bullets.  Anyway, I wonder what someone could buy for $8968??
     Last Wednesday was my 89th birthday, and I realized that I was really a little oldish.  I own two canes, a three wheel and a two wheel walker, and an electric scooter; and, oh yes--a 1999 Malibu with 92000 miles on it.  I have all of these devices because I'm the kind of guy who needs to live in a bubble.  Since leaving a cruise ship last December, I've had pneumonia, I fell and spent three days in the hospital and a couple of weeks in the Manor Care rehab. Then I developed a urinary infection and a nurse had to come each day to administer anti-biotics from an IV!  After that experience I started coughing spasms several times a day and was diagnosed with COPD.  That along with PTSD didn't do me much good.  I'm just getting over that and wondering what affliction is on its way.  I feel like Job.  And now the bank says I owe then $8968!  There must be a reason for all this misery, and I think I know what it is; I'm friggin' old! (But I'm avoiding the alternative--as long as I am able. Give me a little credit folks.)

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