Wednesday, September 5, 2012

" O' Lord, what fools these mortals be." (Midsummer Night's Dream)

.....Why do so many people believe that Barack Obama "hasn't accomplished anything" when he has gotten more done in three years than any president in decades.  In the past century every president failed to pass laws that would guarantee every American's right to health insurance.  Yet, Obama created the Affordable Care Act that would insure 32 million Americans beginning in 2014. The Supreme Court ruled it to be Constitutional.  (And Romney wants to repeal it as soon as he gets seated in the White House).  Obama signed the $787 billion American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. Known as the "stimulous" and shortly after it went into effect, unemployment claims decreased, and in a year the private sector began creating nearly 4 million jobs and is continuing to do so. (And the GOP calls it a failure.)  He passed a Wall Street Reform Act  to regulate banks whose practices caused the great Recession.  (But the GOP opposed the regulations). 

.....Obama ended the war in Iraq and brought the last troops home in December; and he began to draw down the war in Afghanistan bringing home 23,000 troops this summer and hopes to end combat missions there beginning next year. (Republicans oppose this, so if they win the White House, maybe they'll start up the war again.  After all, armaments must make money).  Obama eliminated Osama bin Laden,our greatest enemy.  He reversed the torture policy of President Bush. He turned around the U.S. Auto Industry. (Romney was opposed to lavish any money on it).  He repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". (Republicans were incensed).  He helped topple Gaddaffi and told Mubarak to "go".  He made Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, and she may very likely be the next President of the United States in 2016. (I may not be voting at that time).

.....He improved America's image abroad, and increased financial support for Veterans.    He increased the sanctions on Iran. He protected two liberal seats on the Supreme Court. He signed a new START treaty with Russia. Obama signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act which protected 2 million acres as wilderness, created thousands of miles of recreational and historic trails, and protected more than 1,000 miles of rivers.  

....All this is by no means everything that this president has accomplished, and he will not presume to mention everything that has passed by his desk; and the reason is, of course, that most Americans are concerned about the economy.  But what they refuse to understand is that fixing the economy the way that they would like it is not something that can happen overnight, and that the recession is not of his doing. Why lose sight of what he has done? If America wants something accomplished, then vote Republican and they will accomplish banning the rights of women to make their own decisions about their bodies without government intervention; they will accomplish repeal of health reform; they will accomplish changing Medicare to a voucher system and reform Social Security so it will be of no aid eventually to children of the Middle Class.   If the Tea Party takes the wheel of the Republican wagon, they will drive us back to the Age of the Flood.  I wonder, then, did Noah check to make sure no same-sex animal couples came aboard the Ark?

1 comment:

  1. ruth.grimsley@virgin.netSeptember 5, 2012 at 9:09 PM

    I've often wondered about the "push-me-pull-you" in "Dr Dolittle." Agree wtih all you say, dear Baron! Cuzzin Ruth
